
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Atlanta Getaway: Day 2 {October 2015}

We were up and at 'em on Day 2 in Atlanta. We had a delicious breakfast in the hotel and then headed to the aquarium! 

When pictures as "3" don't work out well, I settle for "2"! 

We were early for our 9:00 tickets so we explored a little beforehand. 

When we got inside of the aquarium, Matt had the awesome suggestion to go into the large room first before everyone got there. It was perfect because no one was there but us and we were able to look for a solid 15-20 minutes. Mason LOVED IT! (Side note: Matt got some awesome pictures on his camera. They are in a post to come later today.)

After the big room, we headed out to let Mason lead the way. 


Going down the escalator like a big boy! 

Penguin time was FUN! 

We even got to touch some of the ocean life. :)

This little lizard loved Mason. He kept jumping up and down while Mason was right in front of it. It was cracking us all up. 

One of our friends from when we lived in Montgomery is an intern at the aquarium. We knew she was there that day but we didn't think we would get to see her. We stopped here and this window excited to see "behind the scenes" from the window. I told Matt that I bet this is where Caitlyn worked. He said he agreed and then said "Hey, wait I think that's her!" And it was. That's her in the picture on the ground feeding the fish. She saw us and let us in to get a little closer! 

The newest section was our favorite. It included lots of behind the scenes stuff and while Mason was a little young for much of it, it was still fun. 

Gift shop fun! 

After the aquarium, we headed to the Varsity for lunch. 

Each of the guys got Frosted Oranges and they were obvious fans. 

We headed back to the hotel for naps and then headed back to Atlantic Station to browse, shop, meet up with Caitlyn and have dinner. 

Mason quickly pulled this scarf from the dog. He didn't think dogs should have scarves! :)

Fun in Kinnucans in this "thing". :)

Mason loves Caitlyn and got to smell all kinds of candles with her at Bath and Body Works. 

We went to dinner at BGR and it was yummy! 

After a little fro-yo and a few more stops, we headed back to the hotel. It was dark and we got to see the outline of the stadium in the dark. Fun stuff! 

Also, when we stopped in H&M, we got Mason this awesome sweatshirt for $10. Cars and trucks are all over it! 

Day 2 was fun and we ended it with snacks in the hotel bed and some gooooood sleep! 

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