
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rare Bird by Anna Whiston Donaldson {A Book Review}

Rare Bird: A Memoir of Loss and Love by Anna Whiston-Donaldson was a book I had not heard of until I saw it listed for review. After reading the brief synopsis of the book and since we recently experienced a loss of our own, I couldn't help but request this book. 

Rare Bird was a book I couldn't put down. Whiston-Donaldson shares her story about when her son passed away in a freak accident. She openly and rawly shares about her thought process and her grief process from the moment she hears about her son's death until nearly two years later. 

I LOVED this book. I was so touched by the openness of Whiston-Donaldson's story. She didn't hold back. She shared her emotions, good and bad. I feel like so often when someone goes through a tough situation when you ask how they are, they respond "Fine."Anna talks about how she responded differently to different people and how she would respond in her head versus what came out of her mouth at times. 

I also really appreciated that Whiston-Donaldson wrote about her faith in God, how it was her guide during the beginning of her grief as well as how it was hard to hold on to at times. I know in our own experience, while we know God is guiding us, there are still times where it is hard to trust him. And that's just being honest. Anna was honest throughout the whole book and I loved that. 

If you have experienced loss in your life or someone close to you has, especially an unexpected loss, this book would be a great encouragement for you. 

As a side note, I read online that Whiston-Donaldson just found out she is pregnant at 46 years old with a sweet boy. :)

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

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