
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {Late October 2015}

Wow! The end of October has been just delightful! We had a few kinks thrown in but we didn't let it get us down! :)

We got to spend a little bit at Glendale Shoals one afternoon with MOMS club. It wasn't the best place for Mason because he wants to run but we are still working on listening with I say "stop" so when there is water off of a steep cliff, well you get the point. haha! 

We did get a little time with our buddy, Skylar, while there though. 

Playtime in the backyard in the truck is always fun! 

Mason woke up on morning with his eye swollen. He had gotten a mosquito bite on his face which went into his eye. 

That landed us at the doctor. He was, thankfully, still a happy guy. 

Playing in the doctor's office is fun! 

The doctor gave Mason an antibiotic since the swelling was quickly changing into cellulitis. 

Since it was a rough morning, Matt stopped by our favorite donut shop and brought us lots of yumminess! 

Mason also showed us that he knew how to take off his shirt all by himself. He was done this a few times with some assistance but he was on his own for this one. 

He did a little hiding, too. :)

Apparently, antibiotics make you do crazy things like take a bath with your clothes on! ;-)

The day after Mason started his antibiotic, he woke up with a HORRIBLE rash. He quickly spread and we immediately thought he was allergic to his antibiotic. So back to the doctor we went. 

By the time we got to the doctor, it was all over his back. 

Thankfully, we got the antibiotic changed and started some benadryl and he was better within a couple of hours. 

That evening, I had to work and Matt and Mason shared dinner at Wades. YUM! 

This picture shows that Mason loaded his leftovers into the box, too. :)

That Saturday morning, we blew off some leaves and used them to fill in our pumpkin bags. What fun! 
They also make good seats for Mason. 

That same day, Matt smoked some chicken and I made homemade baked beans. YUM! 

Mason did some chillin' that evening while Dad watched some football, we watched a show together. All snuggled up! 

Matt asked for some ice cream one night and I stopped and picked some up. Mason was a big fan of that! haha! 

My sweet boy! 

Matt had a dress-up night at Fuse (youth group). He was super dad! 

We made a trip to Boiling Springs to story time at Chick Fil A. Mason sat in a random lady's lap...haha! 

We spent an afternoon at Hatcher Garden for their Pumpkin Path. Mason was dressed in his train engineer "costume". He loves to show off his pumpkins. 

And a few pictures with his buddy, Sky. 

The best love love

Mason got a spider painted on his hand. 

Skylar was a butterfly turned butterfly-cat one she had her face painted. :)

"Mason, put your hat back on." hahaha! 

The picture they took of us together. 

Where's Mason?


Snuggled up chilling out. 

Our neighbor gave Mason a red lantern for his birthday and he has been using it for storytime with use before bed. So fun. 

There's more to come for October but I put it in a separate post since it's for Mason's BIRTHDAY WEEK!!

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