
Monday, January 18, 2016

All Things Baby {A Pregnancy Update}

I'm just past 19 weeks now so I figured it was time for an update! My brain is FULL these days so I think I'll stick with bullet points for now. :)

--I'm due in early June. I have been given two dates. I have an anatomy scan in a week so we will see what date we are given then and go from there. 

--I have felt great. In my first trimester, I had a period of about 2 weeks where my stomach was just a bit sensitive to certain things but, thankfully, that passed quickly and I've felt good overall--at least pregnancy related. 

--I had a cold for over 4 weeks and that was quite "un-fun". Thankfully, I'm mostly past that! The cough won't go away but I'm managing! 

--Mason is aware that a baby is in my belly. He will point occasionally and say "baby". He will give a kiss every now and then, too. Right after my appointment on December 28th, he got his toy stethoscope and put it on my stomach and checked the baby's heartbeat saying "boom boom boom boom."

--Matt and I had already decided on our girl name, Madeline, but we had three boy names that we were going between. We have decided that our boy name is Maddox and we LOVE it so much! 

--I am at the weird stage between my regular parents and my maternity pants and that's so awkward. I'm just glad I have pants to wear. HAHA!

--We are talking about some adventures we want to take as a family before baby comes and so far, we have decided to take a day trip to the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC. We hope to come up with a few other adventures, too. 

--Matt's brother got engaged a couple of weeks ago and he and his fiance', Anne, will be getting married later in the year. That means we will be taking a tiny little one with us on a wedding adventure! SO exciting and I'm sure slightly chaotic and crazy! HA! 

--I can't wait to see how baby is measuring and weighing at the anatomy scan. We are praying that all is well, obviously!

--As I did with Mason, I have been writing letters to Baby every now and then. When I write one for Baby, I try to write one for Mason, too. They aren't anything complex but they are fun and sweet. 

Stay tuned! Soon we will start taking some baby bump pictures and hopefully, the updates will get more exciting! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I love this update! :) I'm so glad you're doing well and I adore the names you've picked out. Hurry up, due date, so we can meet the newest Morgan!!
