
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Staycation {January 2016}

Last year around this time, we took a 10 day stay-cation which included a couple of day adventures. This year, Matt had already used the majority of his vacation time (his hours run February to January) so we took a long weekend, essentially. It began on Wednesday night for the guys. I was dealing with the crummy cough and what I now think is silent reflux and I ended up on the couch. 

The guys? They took advantage of a date at Bojangles!!

Thursday morning and Friday morning I worked a couple of hours. It was not the original plan but after Matt's huge truck repair this past week, it was necessary. While I worked, the guys made pancakes!

Matt said Mason was so proud, and of course we were proud too! He also said he ate way more blueberries and chocolate chips than he put on his pancakes. :)

When I got off of work, we made some painting artwork using Mardi Gras beads!

The forecast for the following day was rain so we took advantage of the beautiful day we had and Matt made a HUGE pile of leaves and they jumped in them. I watched and took pictures and laughed my head off!

The guys took a nap and then that afternoon, I made a YUMMY chili mac with cheese biscuits while they took some pictures outside for an blog update on MMM.

Thursday night, we had an in home date night with DQ blizzards and the movie, The Martian!

Friday morning, I headed to work and Mason and Matt headed to Kindergym.

We had leftovers for lunch and we all rested. After rest, we made semi-homemade chocolate donuts! Mason and I cut the donuts out.

Matt and Mason iced them. YUM!

That night, Matt made AWESOME bacon cheeseburgers and we had fries to go with them. Mason was obviously a fan...heck, we all were!

Friday night, we watched another great movie, The War Room and hit the sack early. 

Saturday, Jenn was super sweet to watch Mason while Matt and I went on a date!
We went to breakfast at a local favorite, The Dutch Plate and then we just hung out for a few hours.

Saturday afternoon was beautiful and we headed down to Hatcher Garden to explore. We picked up all kinds of treasures and just enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Right at the end, Matt challenged Mason to a race. They began racing up the hill and Mason put his arm in front of Matt to slow him down. Matt and I laughed so hard about that!! 

Sunday morning, we planned to all go to church together but I woke up with that crazy cough again and horrible reflux, so the guys went (in their matching socks) and I stayed home to rest. 

That afternoon, we watched a movie and ate popcorn! 

We finished off staycation with some yummy food and a good night of rest...until the stomach bug hit...more on that later! 

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