
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Early March 2016}

Man, it's mid-March already. Life has been FULL and I honestly can't believe it's March 15th. Here's a picture update of what we've been up to these days! 

This sweet boy and I started the month with some incredible snuggles! I love him SO!

Mason got this cool car track from a friend. I think I mentioned that already. He LOVES it. As in, he plays with it nearly all day every day. 

We headed out to MOPS and we were READY for the day! 

 Later on that day, we had a date to Waffle House. I love our Wednesday evening dates while Matt is at church.

I continued with some work one day each week and Jenn has been AWESOME with Mason. Here are Mason and Emma. Sweet kiddos. 

Uh-Oh! First big boo-boo. OUCH! 
 Left: right after; Right: 4 hours later

The next morning...
He was so tough and I just knew he'd have a black eye. But, it's crazy how fast kids heal. Within 7 days, nothing was left of that! 

Snuggles with Daddy are THE. BEST! 

 Mason is very into music right now which Matt and I both love. This day, we were jamming out with our doggy guitar!

Bubbles are FUN! 

I was asked to work two days the first weekend of March and that meant early mornings for me and lots of snuggles for my guys! Mason was mad because he wanted snuggles, not pictures. :)

All better! 

Matt texted me saying "Dad's a softy. He pulled his chair up and asked for Cars." I can't say I blame him. He's so cute.

My guys even got in a FaceTime visit with PopPop and Mammy. 

Oh, and apparently Mason tried ALL of his toys out, too! 

March 5th was PJ Day at Bruster's and we definitely took advantage of that good stuff! 

Matt and I tried a peanut butter with butterfinger. Oh my wow, it was SOOO good! 

Mason was a fan of his for sure! 

Another day of work for me, more snuggles for my guys. We had all planned to go to church that morning but Mason was snotty so we couldn't.  
Coffee helps...:)

Playing is SO fun! 

That Sunday afternoon, Matt attended an event at church and he was proud because he guessed what the food would be. What person doesn't get excited about chicken fingers. :) 

Phew, that Sunday was FULL. Matt returned home and I had to go back to work. What does that mean? More snuggles for my guys, of course :)

And then? Outside time because the weather is GORG! 

Monday was National Cereal Day and we were excited about it. Again, Mason didn't want a picture, he wanted to EAT! Haha! 

Monday was a sickie day for me. We snuggled a TON, watched shows and just chilled. It was perfect and really helped my body to heal quicker. 

After lots of rest, Mason helped me finish up dinner by making cornbread. He's a GOOD helper! 

The next morning, I saw the picture on the left in my TimeHop. I cracked up and then I turned around later in the car and saw Mason like this (right picture). What are the odds?!?! 

Tuesday our MOMS Club had a gym class. It was a little chaotic to me but Mason seemed to love it.

That day was BEAUTIFUL! We couldn't resist a picnic outside.

Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, Mason woke up wet and that was super un-fun. Matt and I had a hard time falling back asleep which stunk because I had a class all day Wednesday. BUT, we got Mason up Wednesday and this is how we found him. I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time!

While I was in my class, Matt and Mason went to one of our favorite parks. The weather was so nice that they were there for 2 hours! 

That night when I got home, we called an audible on our original plans and went to dinner outside at a local place. It was a good call and it was soooo yummy!

This kid is TOO cool!

We spent Thursday morning at the Greenville Zoo with our buds. We were disappointed again because the baby giraffe still wasn't out but the rest of the morning was just right1

Thursday afternoon, we definitely napped and then I headed to a local consignment sale while the guys enjoyed more outside time. 

Mason ended early March with a little motorcycle watching. :) 

Phew, in between pictures, we were able to grab a few meals out, lots more outside time, a little yard work and Matt and I have enjoyed some fun evenings together. 

Love my people. 


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