
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Baby Updates


***As of this posting, I'm now 37.5 weeks. I'm just putting everything into a word-heavy post for ease!***

Alright,  I don't know when all of this information will get posted but I wanted to write it all down so I don't forget it.

5/14/16--all had been well until dinner time when we went out to eat for an early Father's Day dinner for Matt. At dinner, I got some blurry vision which was a concern. We packed our food up and headed home. When we returned home, I had some tingling/numbness in my hand but this is apparently not completely out of the ordinary at this point in pregnancy. I rest most of that evening and felt pretty good overall.

5/15/16---I woke up feeling good, made breakfast and started getting ready for church. I started to get short of breath and felt very tired. That was that, I was resting for the rest of the day. The baby was moving a TON so I wasn't super concerned especially since I had an appointment on Monday at 8:00 a.m.

5/16/16--appointment was 8:00; the night before we had the foresight to ask Grandmom and Granddad if they would mind if Mason could hang with them for a while just in case the appointment ran long. That was a good choice. At the appointment, BP was 145/91; heartbeat for baby was 142 and all looked well but the BP was a concern given my history of preeclampsia with Mason. They had me lay down on my left side for several minutes and when they rechecked BP was down in the normal range. Doc was still wanting me to have a urine test done to rule out preeclampsia. Matt and I headed to the hospital under the instructions: give a urine sample and have the results in 30-45 minutes. HA! I had to undress, put on the fetal monitor, wear the gown, the works. They drew blood and took urine and monitored BP etc, etc etc. BP was high at first but settled for the remainder of the stay and all labs came back normal. I was not told to go on bedrest but told to rest as much as possible and if I was still working (which I'm not), I wouldn't have been allowed to go back to work.
I was then scheduled for a non-stress test on Thursday to follow up with baby.

5/17-19--looooooooottttttttsssss of resting for this girl! I had a few periods of feeling blah but overall the rest made life MUCH easier! Friends came over to visit. Matt helped a TON each evening by taking Mason outside or somewhere to do something. We watched plenty of movies, played lots of simple games and activities and made plenty of simple lunches so that life was just EASY.

5/19/16--at 2:00 p.m., I had a non-stress test (NST) and all was well. Baby was moving well and heart rate stayed within normal limits for the whole test. My BP was normal and I wasn't having contractions. He said I didn't have to stay home and do nothing but he still wants me resting  since the normal BP could be a direct result of the rest and we obviously don't want to mess that up!

5/20-5/22-- we got out some on all three days but it had be pretty wiped out after. Honestly, that's just 37 weeks pregnant on a normal day! So, I got out and rested so that was good.

5/23/16--37 week check at OB and all was well. BP was normal for me. Baby's heartrate was 144 and nothing else was happening. I'm supposed to go back Monday unless something changes.

These pics are from my morning at the hospital.

This may be my last update before the baby comes. We shall see. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Word! That is a lot to have happen! My goodness!!! Praying safety for you and that little one and hoping for a speedy delivery! :)
