
Friday, May 13, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Early May 2016}

The weather is warming up around here and we are getting ready for SUMMER! Ours will hopefully be a good mix of low key time at home as a family of four and good fun! Here's what's been going on so far this month. 

Mason is VERY into learning letters and numbers right now so playing with his foam letters in the bathtub is just a logical step in that process. :)

As always, the love for all things vehicle continues. Mason practiced riding his tractor off road...on my leg. :)

Looking like a big boy!

Matt and Mason went to peruse Target one afternoon and Mason helped carry the juice. Such a big helper!!

Don't worry, fun was involved, too!

One evening while I was fixing dinner, Mason was playing quietly in the living room. I went in to find everything upside down. Tractors, chairs, etc. ;)

Sweet boys looking at the clouds. This particular afternoon was the one when I pulled a muscle in my back and Matt took the role of SUPER dad!

Thank you, Mason, for hanging low with me while my back rested. You were a sweet snuggler and I loved it so!

Baby better get reader to share the bounce seat with some vehicles. haha!

Just a little light reading. I know I say it often but I just love how much this guy loves his books!

One morning was a bit chilly and we headed to the park. We had it all to ourselves and the weather was great. Mason chased squirrels and birds for an hour.

On that same day, poor Dad spilled some paint all. over. his. fun!

We ran into Old Navy so I could get a cheap pair of flip flops for the hospital. I looked over and Mason had quickly removed his shoes and tried on a pair, too!

So much fun!

Saturday morning, I headed to work and Matt and Mason headed to the Farmer's Market. I LOVE this picture of them together. :)

As we typically try to do, they headed to Kid's workshop, too.

That same day, we had our house deep cleaned. We never had it done or did it ourselves before we moved it and as much as I enjoyed a neat house, I am not a fan of dusting, etc. So as an early birthday/baby is coming present, Matt had the house cleaned. I was quite happy!!

Saturday night, we were still full from an early Mother's Day lunch so we made yummy smoothies and watched a few of our shoes. They hit the spot!

I talked about Mother's Day yesterday so we will skip right past that.
Monday morning, we were up and moving for my 35 week OB appointment. Mason was ready to go and was waving at squirrels playing in the yard.

I got him to pose a little bit for me.

Our appointment went well. I had to head to the dentist and Matt and Mason had other plans so we grabbed a quick family photo before parting ways. :)

I was once a every-6-months-cleaning girl but after Mason came that just went out the window! It was good to be back in that routine.

Meanwhile, Matt and Mason enjoyed breakfast with Granddad, Grandmom, Uncle Ben and soon-to-be-Aunt Anne.

Mason is VERY into imaginative play with his toys right now. Here are some of his animal friends watching a show with him. :)

I got a haircut on Tuesday morning...first time in a YEAR! And sweet Kris came to play with Mason. Pretty sure he thinks she's the coolest ever because they made a ramp for his cars!!

That evening, we played outside some and then I headed to work. Matt and Mason made waffles. Always a fan favorite around here!

Lots of good stuff happened around early May. Mid-may brings some chill time, an early celebration of Father's Day and just awaiting baby!

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