
Friday, June 17, 2016

Maddox's Birthday {And Story}

Here we are 11 days in and I think it's time to share Maddox's birth story. Here's hoping I finish this post before it's time for him to eat again! :) 

We set a c-section date nearly two months before Maddox was due so that we could try to get our ducks in a row for Mom getting here on time, care for Mason, etc. The date we set was June 6th, 2016. Even though we had set this date, I wasn't holding to it hard and fast. I just knew that Baby may come a little sooner. 
To my surprise, we made it to June 6th and on that morning, we woke up our big boy, Mason, and kissed him for the last time as an only child. We had some sweet moments. I cried and before we left, Mason said "Bye Mom. Bye Dad" and I knew he would be just fine. 

Last bump picture with MMM2

Matt wanted a selfie and I had obviously been crying but I humored him. :)

Funny moment: Before we left, Mason found this hat which is obviously for a newborn and he insisted on wearing it. Mom said he wore it for hours. He even showed up at the hospital the next day wearing it. haha!!!

Sweet pictures as a family of 3 before we left to become a family of 4!!

Mom sent picture proof that Mason was obviously doing JUST fine! :)

We arrived at the hospital right at 7:00 to get things going. I changed into my gown, got hooked up to the monitors, filled out paperwork, etc. Matt was with me the whole time. We were calm for the most part. Various people come in and out while you wait and this was no different. I got bored at one point so I sent Mom and Mason a selfie. (I sent it to a few others, too. :))

Mason's response...perfect!

The doctor came in and said she had a hysterectomy to perform and that she would be ready right on schedule...9:00. They rolled me back to the OR at 8:56 a.m. This is the hard part. With Mason, they had a hard time getting a spinal in for me because I, apparently, have small spaces between my vertebra. yay...not! I had told everyone I encountered about this so they would be prepared. Even still, it took nearly 40 minutes to get the spinal in. They stuck me 6 times. Let me tell you, that's not fun.

Shortly after, it was in and the doc came in and we got started. I got a little nauseous off and on and a little short of breath but overall, I was fine. Matt was allowed in shortly after and he was all suited up!

Dr. Hardin was the delivering doctor and although I loved the doctor who delivered Mason, we could not have asked for a better experience with Dr. Hardin. She was attentive and personal but professional. We are grateful. (Side note: Matt took tons of pictures in the OR once baby arrived etc but those pictures are still on his camera because: LIFE! I'll share those as soon as we have time to upload them.)

Matt was right by my side the whole time and he was so encouraging. After the spinal issue, I told him that two sounded like a good number of children to have and he laughed. We shall see what God has for us down the road.

He also said we had to make a final guess as to what baby was. I said girl. He said boy.

Dr. Hardin said "He has a massive head!" We were laughing at that because Mason just had an average head. This made us smile later because his head was a full inch smaller than Mason's head so it must have just been the angle etc. 

At 9:56 a.m. on June 6th, 2016, Maddox Matthew Morgan was born! He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was the exact weight and height as Mason and that still blows our mind a little bit.  His head circumference was 13 1/4 inches. 

While they sewed me up, Matt got to over and check out the baby while they did his APGAR testing, cleaned him up etc. Just when they were almost done, Matt carried him over and we got some family snuggles. Within 20 minutes, we were back in recovery where we would stay for nearly two hours.

While I was being checked, Matt took over the skin to skin.

Then it was my turn again.

All went well in recovery and we made it up to our room around 12:15ish. The new policy is that they don't bathe the babies until 8 hours after so we just got to snuggle, snuggle, snuggle. I had very low expectations for nursing because I had such issues with Mason but thankfully, it went pretty smoothly and I was able to nurse Maddox early on.


While I got my snuggled, Matt ordered Jimmy John's which was my request for my first post-pa;rtum meal. I had wanted a cold meat deli sandwich for months and Jimmy John's is right near the hospital AND they deliver. Within an hour, I was eating my sandwich and I was a happy girl!

After we ate, Matt left to head home to pick up Mason and Mom to come and meet Maddox. We had nearly 4 hours just Matt, Maddox and myself which was such a sweet time. When Matt was gone, I just got more snuggles.

I'll share some pictures soon of when Mason met Maddox. It was such a sweet moment. 
Mason and Mom stayed to visit for a few hours and in the meantime, Grandmom and Granddad came to visit as well.
 Here's GiGi holding her second grandson!

Around 5:45, Matt took Mason and Mom home and did bedtime with Mason, etc.
Meanwhile, Maddox got a BATH! He was so chill under the water. :)

While Matt was gone, Jenn and Skylar came to visit. Jenn got some newborn snuggles and I'm pretty sure Maddox might have given her baby fever. I mean, how could he not?!? I think everyone had baby fever after holding him!!!  Jenn also brought some hospital snacks which we appreciated over the next 24 hours!

This picture isn't the hospital but I wanted to share. This is our neighbor. When Matt took Mason and Mom to the house, Mason had to go across and tell Mrs. Phoebe all about Maddox. Sweetest ever!

Shortly after Matt got back, Kris came to visit and she brought ice cream!! That's what friends do. :) 
We had a good visit and shortly after she left, Matt and I settled in for the night. The nights at the hospital are always tough after a section because I can't move much yet and Matt has to do a lot. We are still trying to figure out what baby needs etc. However, we survived!! :)

And that's that! Maddox's birth story. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love this so much!! Got me right in the heart!! I did not know this new bath rule! - but yay for more snuggles while you waited! Congratulations AGAIN!!!!
