Alright, let's finish up the rest of early June 2016.
Matt took Mason on an outing and he got to ride in the truck! We haven't ever let Mason ride in the truck and we won't do it much in the future but Mom and I had to be somewhere and Matt wanted to take Mason somewhere so he turned off the airbag and loaded him up in his car seat. Mason was obviously happy!
We had to take Maddox to the doctor on Thursday morning to have his bilirubin checked. It was elevated but thankfully, he did not require lights.
He met Dr. Shelley for the first time!
That was obviously exhausting!!
That afternoon, we watched a movie. These boys are two peas in a pod. :)
Brotherly love. It's seriously the sweetest thing EVER!
Little Mister getting some natural sun to help with his bilirubin.
Chillin' out!
A few months back, Matt found a car track on clearance and purchased it to give to Mason after the baby was born. Unfortunately, it turned out to be different than he was thinking. He returned that and picked out something at Target. He and Mason spent all afternoon playing with it! Mason hasn't stopped playing with it since!
Just me and my guys. All the love here. (couldn't resist posting both. I loved it in black and white.)
Newborn snuggles are the BEST!
Daddy got some, too!
Sweet moments with my big boy.
Middle of the night feedings can be HARSH! This view made it easier. Maddox was sleeping hard after his feeding. It was hard to put him in his crib! but we did! :)
Sweet swaddled son...
The Morgan 4 in the bed for morning snuggles!!!
Mason woke up with EPIC bedhead so he had to see it in camera. haha!
Before Maddox was born, I set aside many of Mason's toys that he wasn't playing with much and put them in a box to pull out once Maddox arrived. It turned out to be a GREAT idea! He's playing with his hauling truck that Jenn gave him for Christmas. He understands it so much more now and he LOVES it even more!
Matt set up the pool for Mason on Friday morning and they played HARD for over an hour! Meanwhile, Mom and I went to the doctor for another check for Maddox. His level was still elevated but thankfully, still no lights!
More sun for our yellow fella!
A cool cat!
My THREE guys!
Again, another picture that I love it color and black and white. love love love!
We LOVED early June as we got to welcome Maddox and make our family a family of 4!!!
Here's to the rest of June and lots of FUN!
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