
Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Morning at Eden Terrace {MOMS Club}

I've mentioned our MOMS Club in the past but it's worth talking about again. When I was a new mom, I had just entered into a huge new season of life. I went from working full time to working only PRN (as little as 6 hours a week) and being a SAHM. It was a fun season but I quickly realized that I needed support. I joined a MOPS group which was incredible (and still is!) but MOMS Club just gave me so many options for playdates, constant mom support and many other things. 

So much of what our group does is playdates, park meet-ups, etc but we also do community service projects for our community, among many other great things. 

This past week, our group was invited to a local assisted living facility to interact with some of the residents. I almost didn't sign up to go because I knew it would involve taking both boys out and trying to give Mason full attention while also making sure Maddox was content. However, I decided to do it and I'm so glad I did!

The boys and I got to sit with Mr. Jack, or as he wanted to be called "PaPa". We colored, ate a snack, played with play doh and just talked. Mr. Jack was the best resident in that room for Mason to sit with. He was so good with him and Mason just enjoyed it so much. When snacks were passed around, Mason handed his coloring sheet off to Mr. Jack while he sat back and ate. haha!!

I was smiling the whole time and just thinking that in some small way, I hope this helps to teach my boys about kindness to others. We live in a world with lots of darkness and evil. That's not anything new. However, we also live in a world where WE have the ability to shine light into darkness. This morning spent at Eden Terrace, well, it was a moment where our lights shone bright. 

That man may not remember our names or even our faces but for that 45 minutes that we sat at that table with him, he never stopped smiling. And that? That's what it's all about.


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