
Monday, July 4, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Late-June 2016}

June flew by for the Morgans! We had long days (and nights) caring for our sweet little guy and his big brother. Let's see what all we did to finish out the month of June! 

My captured this picture on one of her last days here. Maddox was obviously having a moment.

Cheerio counting with big brother. He can count to 14....when he wants to. :) 

Caught that little smile! 

Mason LOVES to hold his brother! 

Last check up for buddy bud! He was back up to his birth weight plus one ounce! Go, Maddox, Go! 

On Mom's last night, we decided to meet Matt for dinner. We made a pre-dinner stop at ToysRUs for Mason. He was in his happy place! 

A few more snuggles for GiGi! 

We dropped GiGi off at the airport and we were quite sad! so we drowned our sorrows in smoothies from Panera! It was a necessity! 

Who Knows what was happening here! 

Mason wants to do tummy time every time Maddox does. I love the way he loves his little brother! 

Always helping. :) 

Waiting {im}patiently for me to throw the ball. 

Trying on Mom's shoes. :) 

You guys, I have THREE guys in my house. I love it so much! 

One morning, I was literally exhausted. Matt and I usually take turns in the night with Maddox (we have a routine) but this night, he slept in the living room because he had an early work shift. I told Mason it was a breakfast in bed/show kind of morning and he was game. Thank the Lord! :)


Sometimes, you've just got to take lots of pictures of your newborn! 

Matt and Mason had a late evening swim at the Y and finished it up with snowballs! 

Mason helped me pump....hahahahahahah! 

Jungle mat time is awesome, second only to tummy time! 

Happy Morgans! 

Brad and Rebekah visited and gave Mason and Maddox some great gifts. Mason LOVES the book they brought! 



Funny kid! 



Matt was changing Maddox's diaper just before Mason's bed time one night. Mason thought it was the PERFECT time for a story. :) 

Pretend sleeping...well, not for Maddox

Fishing for Dad and Mason

BIG kisses!

Mason is telling the squirrels to stay out of our garden! 

Matt took Mason to see Zootopia at the dollar theatre and Mason loved it! 
It's dark pictures but they are both there. :) 


(That is not dirty carpet, it's concrete. That made me feel a little better! ha!)

Pretend playing of a game.

Sweet little love bug...

Our sweet friend, Jenn, came and got Mason for a FULL day of fun and that meant I got lots of one-on-one time with Maddox-Man! Tummy time was uninterrupted and he liked that! :)


Early morning snuggles after a bottle...

Snuggles with both of my boys

Mason rubbed Maddox's ear one afternoon. So sweet!

Tummy Time for Two!

Mason giving Maddox lots of toys to play with!

Only resting with Momma would do one afternoon.

BIG helper!

Family reading time

Growing some long eyelashes!

Ready for his first bath!! Look at that belly growing! :)


Lots of hair!

Maddox, Mason and I made it out one day and we all survived!We stopped by Home Depot so everyone could meet Maddox. And Mason needed to do a little work!

I finished stamping birth announcements and Mason enjoyed the remaining stickers from the stamp was so funny!

One afternoon, I didn't get a nap so the next afternoon when I did, I rejoiced!! And I sent this picture to Matt. :)

Sweet bright eyed Maddox!

My three guys!

Matt worked July 1st and then he is off until July 17th!!! We are so excited!!

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