
Monday, September 12, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Early September 2016}

How? How is it this far into September!?! I am usually aware of and okay with that but this month is moving too quickly for me!!! 

We started the month with a visit to see Grandmom. Granddad was working but we enjoyed our visit nonetheless!

Grandmom and the Morgan boys!

I made a trip to Belk and got some great deals! I picked up several shirts for the boys to grow into, shorts and a shirt for Matt and some flip flops for me for CHEAP! I love deals!

Side by side comparison of two brothers. All I can say is: CHEEKS!!!

Matt snapped this pic and sent it to me while I worked. Just a little guy enjoying a little quiet screen time.

Screen time means he then needs that same amount of running free time! Sandbox first!

Then chalk on the front porch!

That led to a DIRTY boy!

Half clean-half dirty. haha!

and let's not leave out: BIKE TIME!

Then the neighbor saw his hard work and brought him a snack. :)

Gotta come inside and cool off after all of that! Snack, a show, and some water. :)

That afternoon, after I worked, Mason and I went on a little date. He had a gift card to spend and we went to do that and eat YOMO!


While we were out, Matt got some smiles and laughs!

The toy he picked out! He and Matt have been playing with it nonstop!


Cranky pants!

Since it was Sunday, I gave Maddox a comb-over!

Sweet brothers!

A little Monday afternoon outside time. It was hot so we didn't last long!

Tuesday morning brought a Target stop. My first time with both boys. Good news is I got what I needed and there weren't any meltdowns!

We had a fun playdate with Jennifer and Savannah and that wore this guy out!


Reached over and grabbed brother's toes. Sweet love.

Mason is GOOD at silly faces, even at lunch time!

Then this happened. Mason insisted I wear this on my head.

Matt left for work one morning and we sent our love via picture.

He sent his back!

Practicing matching our letters.

and scissor skills!

And of course our week included storytime!


Even story time doesn't stop brotherly love.

Mason's craft!

Tall tower with Tall boys!


After storytime, we headed across town to meet our buds. Mason's first time on a least, that I recall.

Thursday brought another adventure that I'll share soon. That evening, Matt took Mason on a date. This week was full of late nights for Matt and Mason needed his Daddy! Matt gladly obliged! 
Ice cream at Dottie's Toffee.

Meanwhile, Maddox and I hung at home. :)

Exploring downtown was so fun for Matt and Mason. They both love adventures!


Mason got a new hat and he LOVES it!


Sweet sleeping baby boy!

We FINALLY got a visit with both Grandmom AND Granddad. What a fun visit. We got some playtime, a yummy dinner and we brought along some homemade Oatmeal chocolate chip pecan cookies for an early birthday treat for Granddad.

Grandmom and Granddad trying to make their cheeks as big as Maddox's...haha!

Granddad and his boys!

Saturday morning brought an early work day for me and my boys got some GOOD snuggles!

Maddox has ALMOST flipped from back to belly. Just got to get that shoulder out of the way!

Game day ready!

This was Mason's Saturday morning reading spot. He chose the kitchen floor!

Maddox wants to sit up ALL. THE. TIME. and that meant we needed to get the jumper out. Matt and I cannot possibly help him sit up all day long. We needed back up! Mason loves the bouncer, too!



Oh, you know, just holding a toy!

Blurry but I needed that smile!!

Saturday night, we put those boys in bed! We picked up subs and fountain drinks, enjoyed yummy desserts and played trivia games. SO FUN!!

The perfect end to early September! 


  1. NO!! THEY ARE GETTING SO BIG! I mean I know I see pictures of them every single day, but for some reason, TODAY they both seem like such grown ups!! How and when did this happen??

    Also - I wanted to tell you that last picture you posted, when you put it on Instagram, I was cracking up over the "are you wearing clothes????" conversation!! I was at my retreat when I saw it and couldn't pause to comment right then, but I sure enjoyed that!

    1. I know!!! I'm trying to tell them to stop BUT it's not working!!!

      Glad you got a laugh out of that! We were cracking up ourselves!

      Can't wait to hear about your retreat!!
