
Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Trip To the Airport(s)

A couple of weeks ago, my cousin from CA was coming into town for a work trip. She was literally going to be at our airport for 15 minutes. We didn't want to pass up a chance to see her so we went! 

Hot mess express. 

Waiting for her to arrive. First fountain experience with loose change & making wishes. ;)

Now, that's better! sorta...

ahhh, relaxation.

Yay! It's Kay! We loved our fast visit!

We had hoped to see airplanes while we waited but, apparently, with the updates to the airport, there is no way to see the planes unless you are going through security. Such a bummer. Because of that, when we drove back into town, we stopped by our tiny regional airport. Maddox was NOT feeling it!

Happy boy!

Now, that's better.

OH!! And we had the boys wear these outfits to the airport. Kay sent them these when she visited Hawaii recently and we thought they were perfect for the day. I didn't catch a great pic but, hey, that's life! Love them so.

(Mason was sending this thumbs up to our sweet friend for using the potty!) 
I think it's appropriate for saying yay for airport visits, too!

It was a GOOD day! 

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