
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Discipline that Connects with Your Child's Heart by Jim & Lynne Jackson (A Book Review)

Oh you guys I don't even want to talk about how long it took me to finis this book, Discipline That Connects With Your Child's Heart by Jim and Lynne Jackson. I started reading and while it drew me in almost immediately, life was so full that I couldn't finish it. 

That being said, I enjoyed this book very much and gleaned much from it to help me (and Matt, of course) in parenting our children. To this point in our parenting, much of our discipline has been related to consequences that would mostly be considered punishment such as time-out or removing a toy, etc. 

We have quickly realized that this is not the best choice for Mason especially. This book, Discipline that Connects with Your Child's Heart, has given so many other options and choices for disciplining Mason (and Maddox eventually) and helping them and us to understand the cause of certain actions. 

For Mason, some of his acting out is related to wanting/needed attention at various points of the day. We have noticed this more since Maddox was born and thankfully, we have been avoid this in many situations. 

One of the points this book presents is the importance of your child always knowing that you love them and this is especially important during discipline moments. This point right here has been HUGE for me personally. While I obviously love Mason with my whole heart, when I discipline him, he may not feel that. I have been intentional since reading this book about saying to Mason, "I am telling you this because I love you and I want you to be a kind person." or something similar to this. I know that has helped so much in our day-to-day life. 

One of the other aspects of this book that I appreciate is the appendix which is over 100 pages of incredible information. I am going to keep this book close to me in these days while I'm in the trenches. We are dealing with situations for discipline daily and this has helped me tremendously. 

I highly recommend this book for all parents. 

**I received this book from Bethany House.**

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