
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Creamy Corn {A Recipe}

For the Super Bowl, I made this delicious creamy corn recipe and I wanted to share it here today. It was a perfect addition to our meatball subs and other dishes. 

I used: 
one bag of frozen corn
6 ounces of cream cheese
4 ounces (1/2 cup) of butter
and crushed red pepper

I poured out the bag of corn and let it thaw in our skillet for about 30 minutes. Then I turned the stove on about medium heat. I added the cream cheese and butter and let it all melt. Once it was all warm, I added salt, pepper and crushed red pepper to taste. Serve it immediately. 

It was delicious! Matt and I even decided it would be a good dip with maybe some bacon added in with the corn. 

Jen shared it on her Instagram and I adapted it from there. I would definitely recommend adding the cream cheese and butter in equal amounts until you get to your desired consistency. Depending on how much corn you have, you may need more or less. 

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