
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lost & Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace by Kendra Fletcher {A Book Review}

Lost & Found is Kendra Fletcher's debut book and I must say that I really enjoyed it! This is a quick little book but it's packed with Fletcher's incredible story. 

Fletcher shares in Lost & Found about her family experiencing three tragedies in the course of 18 months and the Lord using their suffering and sadness to show them how much they had been missing out on. Their family had been stuck in religion and through these tragedies, they found grace. 

I really enjoyed Fletcher's writing style in this book. Again, it was a short book and I couldn't put it down. Fletcher was open about their story throughout the entire book and I think it brought a richness to the book. 

Fletcher shares about the legalism that they had been bound up in and it was eye opening. It's so easy to get stuck in certain patterns in life and not realize how much they are negatively affecting us. 

I shared this book with someone already and I think it's a great book if you find yourself in similar situations as Fletcher but also just to be reminded of how much good work the Lord can do no matter where you are in life. I hope I get to read more from Fletcher in the future. 

Thank you, Litfuse, for this book! 

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