
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Morgan's Movements {Week 14}

You know what I love about life right now? Or maybe just life in general? The ordinary day to day tasks are still so much fun. Don't get me wrong, we have our moments of pure crazy but the sweet ones typically far outweigh those. Looking back to years ago and thinking about what my life would be like one day, I don't know that I could have ever dreamed of all of this. 

Let's recap week 14 of The Morgan's Movements! 

Sunday was a day of rest and recovery. We ended the previous week with Mason throwing up so he was very much in need of rest Sunday. 


Thankfully at some point on Sunday after many snuggles and shows, he perked up and started playing some. Pure silliness with Dad ensued. 

Matt headed outside to cut the grass and Mason wanted to be on the front porch so we tried to corral Maddox...hahaha! 


So, I put him in the pack and play so they could play outside without too much energy being exerted. 

Maddox also busted his lip that day but he was so happy you could hardly see evidence of it! 

Monday morning came and we were all feeling better and rested. Maddox once again decided to let us know that he can no longer be corralled and he climbed over this toy. 

Matt headed to work and Mason and I did some workbook activities. He loves these and I have to cut him off sometimes! 

It was a dreary day so I pulled out some board games that we have never played before and Mason and I had a blast! Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. 

When Maddox woke up from his nap, they went for a boat ride. ;-)

I am loving seeing their relationship develop into a friendship and watching them playing together. It's such fun! 

I went through some of our stashed toys and pulled out a few that are now appropriate for Maddox and he loved them! Mason played with them, too, which was fun! 


Mason helped me by reading to Maddox while I cooked dinner. 

Tuesday morning came and Mason had an appointment bright and early! 

Maddox was hanging out well and by the time we left, his feet were BLACK from crawling all over the place! haha! 

Boys in their underwear looking out the window...pure fun! 

Tuesday lunch brought vomiting for Mason again. ;-/ and I snuggled him up as he told me, "I not need to rest" and was asleep 12 seconds later. 


We called the nurse and she recommended we come into the doctor. Thankfully all was well but bloodwork was drawn and that was UN FUN!! 
Popsicles helped but look at that face!! 

When we got home, Mason and I snuggled in the bed while Matt took Maddox to walk at Hatcher Garden. 


Wednesday was forecasted to be awful weather for us so we hunkered down at home for the day.  

Breakfast...always an adventure! 

The Morgan Family Band...we won't quit our day jobs. ;-)

Snuggles...the best! 

Trains...always a good idea! 

Memory with my guy...he is too good at this game!! 

A little collage of those pictures just because it was just a darn good day! 

That night, Matt stayed home from church and we had a family glow stick dance party...such fun! 


Thursday brought cookie baking with Big while Little napped. 

And practicing writing Mason's name! He told me after practicing these times, "I go play now!" 

Baths for little bit are his favorite and this day, he decided to brush his teeth at the same time. :) 

HATS! I made one for Mason out of construction paper and Maddox wore one of Mason's. Cutie pies! 



After those shenanigans, the boys took a nap and I headed to work. Matt got them up from nap and took them to Hatcher. 

And made them dinner....always a good plan ;-)

Matt and I spent the evenings this week after I got off from work catching up on our shows. We were so behind.

Friday started with a bagel. A HUGE blueberry bagel that Matt got for free from Panera. 

Mason also got to wear a super special shirt that day. This is Matt's shirt from when he was 4 years old. Vintage!!! 

We headed to the library for a quick morning visit to play and pick up some new books. 


We made some good choices and these boys read them that afternoon! 

Matt took the boys to CiCi's for a pizza dinner and then on Home Depot to walk around per Mason's request. They even got a popsicle treat! 

Saturday morning was an early morning for me to make a few pick ups locally and then we headed to Croft State Park for an egg hunt. After that, we got a Waffle House brunch and enjoyed some incredible time outside! 




Matt and I enjoyed a date night in with some yummy pizza and catching up on our shows. Matt even did a little cleaning out of some of his old toys to see what may be appropriate for Mason soon! 

It was a good week in spite of the sickness! 

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