
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Morgan's Movements {Week 19}

Oh boy, we just started week 22 of the year so I'm obviously a bit behind on recapping but for memory's sake, I'm pressing on. I hope to recap our vacation this week, too. Fingers crossed. :) 

I can't tell if Maddox likes spaghetti. ;-)

These flowers are in our neighbor's yard but Mason picks every one of them. 🤣
He also picks weeds and such nearly every day. It's the sweetest. 

Outside time is this guy's favorite. 

We met some friends at the park to play and we got there earlier than they did. Maddox hung close to me while Mason met some new friends. ;) 



I love seeing my two boys together. 


We had such a fun time with our friends. It was our last playdate before they welcomed a new baby! 

When we got home we had some more outside time. We know that summer gets HOT so we enjoy the "not as hot" weather as long as we can." 

Just eating acorns. 

This is one of Maddox's last night time bottles....ah! 

Matt sent me to Panera one night and I took full advantage!! 

my little drummer boys. So sweet. 

A diaper disaster meant a bath. Love that sleepy little face! 

My three hat wearing guys favorite! 

Hatcher Garden remains one of our most favorite places. This evening walk was JUST right! 

Mason found some earthworms...he was PUMPED! 

This tent was set up for an upcoming event and Mason thought it was for a wedding and he needed to go over and "dance a little bit!" 

Someone was TIRED!! 

We got to make a visit to our friends' farm again before our trip and it was such a blast! Chickens, ducks, horses, red clay, snacks. What could be better?!?









That afternoon, these boys were BEAT! Mason asked for a snack in his bed. :) 


Shortly after that, we left for our trip and I cannot wait to fill you in on that! 

No Week 20 recap because week 20 was our trip. :) 

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