
Thursday, August 31, 2017

What I Learned {August 2017}

1. Farm Chores are hard work!

I shared last month that we spent a week on our friend's farm. We had a great time but we all learned just how hard farm chores can be. Feeding, watering, etc for horses and chickens requires time and energy. We learned a lot in the process. 

2. Birthdays are still just as fun 33 years in as they were when I was younger. 

I have always loved my birthday and celebrating other people's birthdays as well. This year I celebrated my 33rd and I was just reminded that it's as fun now as it was years ago. My kids know how to celebrate big. My husband celebrates me well. And, I can certainly celebrate myself. 😉

3. Blue Bloods is my current favorite show. 

I have watched Blue Bloods for several years but I recently went back and watched all of the seasons over again and I've been reminded of just how good it is. I love the family aspect and the morals. It truly is my favorite show. 

4. Changing the way you eat can really change how you feel. 

In the last few months, I've changed a lot about what I eat and also changed a great deal about what our family eats as a whole. I have been feeling better and better as the days go by. I am grateful!

5. My husband continues to be the most thoughtful people alive. 

I mentioned to he and Mason that I would love a purple fiesta ware bowl one day (our everyday dishware.) Well, one day this month was awful with the boys and I was hormonal and exhausted. Matt took the boys to the mall to play and when they came home, Matt was holding a bag. Mason had the biggest smile on his face and he said, "Happy Dirfday, Momma. I love you." I opened the bag to find a fiestware bowl. And I cried and cried and cried. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been so behind on blog reading this month, so I'm just catching up! Anyway - YES YES YES to your husband being so thoughtful. He is a good one!! You should keep him forever! :)
