
Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Fierce Love by Shauna Shanks {A Book Review}

A Fierce Love: One Woman's Courageous Journey to Save her Marriage by Shauna Shanks could not have come at a better time. Wait, I realize that could be interpreted a few ways. Matt and I are in a good season in our marriage. Maybe not our best season but a good one nonetheless. 

However, there are many people in my life who are going through divorces right now and that has weighed heavily on me. Some of these people are closer to me while some are merely acquaintances but we all know with social media as it is now, people's lives can become pretty public. I've felt so much heaviness as I've read about these divorces. Some rejoice in their divorce while others do show more sadness. I know that there are many reasons for divorces and many situations that can lead to that. My parents were divorced when I was younger so I've seen that firsthand and know what it can do to families as well as to children. And my parents had an incredibly amicable divorce. All of that to say, I know that some situations make it impossible to continue in the marriage. 

This book, A Fierce Love, shares the story of Shauna and her journey to save her marriage. She is incredibly honest in this book which is always encouraging. Her husband told her one day that he didn't love her, never had and wanted a divorce. She decided right then that she would fight to save her marriage. 

This book is incredibly biblically based. She discussed spiritual warfare as well as the in depth grasp she had to get on Scripture as well as prayer to move forward in her marriage. Her husband was moving the opposite direction and she kept moving toward him and toward the Lord. 

The strength she displayed over those many months as she fought for her marriage is incredible. Her husband would say ugly things to her and she continued to love him as the Bible called her to do. It was so neat to see how her husband's heart changed as time went on. It was also to read the book noticing how much Shanks focused on herself and what she needed to do to change their marriage. She focused very little on what her husband needed/should do and focused on what God was calling her to do and in turn, her husband's heart changed. 

I was incredibly encouraged by this book and think that it is something that anyone dealing with marriage troubles should read. Matt and I have always said and believed that our marriage is worth fighting for every day. And that we can do hard things. It isn't always easy. Lord only knows that's the truth but it is WORTH IT! 

**I received this book for free.**

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