
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Maddox: 15 Months {An Update}

Whoa! Three months have passed since the 1st birthday! Let's see what's going on with our big boy now!

Height: 30.5 inches 22% 

Weight:  25 pounds, 12 ounces, 85%

Head Size: 19 inches, 85%

Brother, Bud, Bud Bud, Love Bug, Brother Brother, Little Bit, Bit Bit, Mad, Mad Mad

We have hit the phase of eating where he will eat like crazy for a few days and then have a few days of just picking and minimally eating. He loves all fruits, lots of vegetables and he will not turn down a single carb EVER!

Morning nap is slowly moving out. He naps about 9-10, 1-3 and then sleeps 7-7. He loves his sleep. He does wake at 6 some mornings and just talks in his bed.

Target size 5 or size 6

He has moved to nearly 2T in everything. There are still a few 18 month and 24 month items that fit but they are few and far between. My task for the coming weekend is to look through all of the winter clothes to see what we have.

A bit of separation anxiety is still there but it's minimal.
Mr. People watcher is in full effect these days.
Plenty of saying hey and bye to everyone.
Lots of talking going on these days. I wrote a post about things he's been saying and doing recently. It's coming later this week.
He's very interested in other kids when we go to the library etc.

What he's saying: 
Plenty! Post coming later this week about it.

--bath time unit it's time to get clean. :) 
--his people. 
--riding in the stroller
--storytime at the library 
--his water bottle
--being outside
--music time and all of the instruments

--when he doesn't get to go outside when he wants to
--being hungry

Momma and Daddy:
Maddox loves Matt especially this month! When we have music on, he runs up to me or Matt and wants to dance with us.

Much more playing going on these days. A little more love and sharing is happening, too. Mason is very helpful with Maddox for the most part, too.


Comparison Pictures:

Three Months: 

Six Months: 

Nine Months: 

12 Months: 

15 Months: 

Brother Comparison Pictures: 


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