We were up and at 'em early on Thursday. We had plans to go to visit Mike The Tiger at LSU but he wasn't outside so we headed to Uncle Jay's and DeeDee's for a visit. The weather was beautiful and we were outside the whole time!
DeeDee and Sport were excited to see the Morgan boys!
GiGi brought donuts and Maddox was definitely a fan!
King Cake Donuts...dang!!!
Sharing with Sport...
Love him...
Uncle Jay is here! A showdown....
Mason was PUMPED about the water and Maddox, too.
Feeding the fish...
So much sweetness...
"Ri! Ri! Ri!"
Mason hid his rubber rat and made Uncle Jay find it!
Maddox helped...
Mason loved that sweet puppy dog and shared his snack with him.
We were so glad to spend a couple of hours with them!
Maddox was asleep before we hit the railroad tracks...
And then napped hard when we got back to PawPaw's too!
Everyone woke up happy and got some good snuggles!
I took the boys to the park for a while to play.
We didn't last long because the boys said it was too hot.
We came back and hung out for a bit and were worn out and cranky!
Pumpkins and hay are fun!
We came in for rest time and Aunt Celie stopped by for a bit.
I attempted some pics with my big boy but he was too interested in tv!
there's a smile!
The boys got in bed and PawPaw cooked me dinner. YUM!!!
Friday was our last full day in Hammond as we decided to leave Saturday to avoid the storm that was coming that way.
PawPaw and those boys soaked up their last bit of time.
Mason found an album of pictures from mine and Matt's wedding and he loved it. He later told Matt, "You looked so sharp!"
This boy!
We met Jill and Liam at the park to visit and let the kids play. It was such a good visit for Jill and I and the boys played so well.
We ended the day with Raising Cane's for the boys and picking flowers with PawPaw.
Once again, I stink at the group selfie but we tried. Y'all these make me laugh soooo hard!
Saturday started crazily with the boys up incredibly early so we just got on the road early. It was such a fun exciting trip though because we had talked GiGi into coming back to South Carolina with us!!
Everyone was worn out and we came home to sickness but we had such a good trip nonetheless!
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