
Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Morgan's Movements {Week 41}

Oh my word, I'm so far behind on blog posting. We were sick for a while, in a car accident, without Internet, etc. You name it, it's probably happened! 

Anyway, let's catch up! 
Snug as a bug in a rug for watching a show and reading books with GiGi! 

So so sweet. 

When you're sick, you chill. Trust me, lots of chilling going on...

On. the. move! 

I got some time on the couch with both of my boys and had to document it. Maddox doesn't sit still often. 


This picnic basket full of food is my least favorite toy item in our house. The boys? THEY LOVE IT!!! 


We brought the seats inside to clean them and the boys wanted to sit in them. 😂

At one point during the week, Mason developed a rash. We thought it may be hand, foot, mouth but I'm honestly not sure. 

So much love for that GiGi! 



We had an afternoon date to get FREE halloween Krispy Kreme donuts! Happy boys! Mason hasn't used a soppy cup in years but I needed easy transport. he was confused on how to do it. 😂


Coolest kid! 

Mason also spelled his name really well. I was so proud! 

Mason and I had a date to a local consignment sale and he got some dinosaurs! TONS of them for a only a few dollars. SCORE! 

GiGi treated him to them so of course, they raced them together. 

Maddox got to play a bit, too. 

We also treated GiGi to Wades! It was a DISASTER! Maddox was a looney toon and insisted on helping himself for EVERYTHING! But everyone got food and left happy in the end. 😂

Worn out from all of that cutting up! 

We also had dinner and Grandmom and Granddad's and that was such a treat! 

😂😂😂 Matt has jokes! 

That Friday morning while GiGi stayed with Maddox and Mason and I met friends for a free movie, Sing! 

Maddox wasn't missing us! 

That evening, Mason and I worked on AWANA. He is learning so much! 

Matt took the boys to the park for lunch and playtime. Happy kids! 

GiGi napping with a Dino! #MasonWasHere

One night, Matt and I got a date! Such a treat...we have burgers and shopped at Trader Joes and ended with PDQ concretes. 

Such a good week once the sickness starting leaving our house! Unfortunately, it came back but hey, take what you can get! 

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