
Monday, June 4, 2018

The Morgan Family Road Trip 2018: Day 8

Thursday morning we woke up in Gettysburg and after a delicious hotel breakfast and a quick dip of our feet in the pool, we headed out to see a few things! 


Ready to go! 



There were so many incredible old buildings and houses in Gettysburg. It was truly beautiful. We took an auto tour and did the vast majority of it and Matt enjoyed it most! 




Maddox wasn't interested but he rode around quite happily regardless! 

We made our last Gettysburg stop in the area where Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address. 


I wanted a picture with Mason but he made it difficult! 


Standing in the place where Abraham Lincoln stood and gave that all important speech was truly sobering for me! 

After leaving Gettysburg, we headed toward Lynchburg by way of Mister Ed's! We saw a sign for it in town and decided to check it out!
Mister Ed's Elephant Museum. 



There was an attached candy store and gift shop. We picked out candy and purchased and then headed to see the museum. 


The museum was smaller than expected but it was cool and quirky! 

I had to hold Mason up on elephant because he exceeded the recommended weight. 

After that fun little stop, we headed through West Virginia to Lynchburg. 

We stopped at the West Virginia Welcome Center for a lunch snack. 

Maddox gave me this look when I took his picture but you know what came next! NAP! 

Mason played a bit and was quiet and Matt and I read a bit of this book, You're Saying it Wrong. 

We made it into Lynchburg, home of Liberty University, about 3:00 and we made a stop at Cici's for a late lunch/early dinner. 

As soon as we checked into our hotel: SWIM!

That evening, the hotel gave us free Brats and burgers so we enjoyed that and then headed to bed! 

Our last full day/night on our trip was a success! 

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