Week 28 began two days after my D&C. This week shall be known as healing week.
Sunday morning, both boys showed signs of not feeling well and both had fevers by noon. This one only wanted Momma.
Meanwhile, this one only wanted Daddy. He wanted to cook with him and they made roasted squash and it was delicious!
That afternoon, we had a back porch delivery from a friend as well as flowers from MOMS Club. What a bright spot in the day.
Stealing my spot and drinking my water. yeah, I promptly tossed that straw!
Look at this one. All of the love for him.
Tuesday, when we thought we had been fever free for long enough and were still fever free, we went to Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A. We were literally the only people at this particular CFA for breakfast.
When we got home, I went to rest and Matt took the boys to Hatcher Garden for a walk. This is the new kid's gazebo. Mason said Matt wasn't allowed.
Later on that morning, Matt took Mason to swim lessons and Maddox played in the water.
Mason did so well with his lessons.
That evening, our precious neighbors brought over the most incredible meal. Rotisserie chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans, corn, Hawaiian rolls, banana pudding and sweet tea. We were floored and so so grateful.
That evening, the boys also got to have their Kinder Eggs and they were PUMPED! Actually, I don't know if it was that same day. But one day that week, they got to eat them. haha!
Candy Land with Mason when little bit went to bed. Matt beat us both!
The next day, I was out for a bit and Matt sent me this picture. Mason was "ready" for swim lessons. Oh this one!
Again, we thought Maddox was well enough to go out so we all went to swim lessons. While we waited, Matt read to the boys. Yes, he is the best.
When we were leaving lessons, we discovered a rash on Maddox and went to the doctor. Diagnosis was likely enterovirus and we were told to just monitor him. In case I don't add it later, he ended up keeping a fever until Thursday afternoon off and on and by Friday he was finally well for 24 plus hours and feeling good!
We arrived home from the doctor to the most thoughtful care package ever from Matt's brother, Ben, and his wife, Anne. It was precious and as Mason said, "We got more stuff than you did." We know who ranks highest on the list. haha!
At some point that week, we went to Wal-Mart. The boys had a few dollars to spend. Maddox got this gigantic ball!
We also got smoothies at Bella Latte thanks to a gift card from friends. Delicious strawberry smoothies!
I also got to read some more with Mason one evening. He was majorly preferring Matt over me this week so anytime I got with him was special.
When Matt took Mason to his last swim lesson, Maddox and I blew some bubbles together.
That afternoon, Mason and I left Matt and Maddox to nap and we went on a date. Toy store, browsing downtown and an ice cream meet-up with MOMS Club. This guy shares his emotions BIG so as we work through that, we are giving all of the love we can give to help us all be better. :)
Look at this little cutie.
He needed some loving from his Daddy one evening and they just giggled away.
Friday, Matt took Mason to see Incredible 2 and Maddox and I had an ice cream sandwich date at home followed by a nap. :)
They said the movie was great! and they ate too much popcorn. :)
I don't even know.
Saturday was an incredible day and I'll share about that later.
Sunday, we went to Matt's grandparents for dinner and it happened to be National Ice Cream Day. Let me tell you, if Granddad can celebrate any holiday, it's this one!
Mason even got some of Grandmom's special coffee milk.
Maddox and Grandmom played together. Not much sweeter than that.
And these two...
That all wore Mason out, obviously. :)
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