
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Montgomery Visit {September 2018} {Days 3 & 4}

On day 3, we woke up and were ready to play! These boys were showing Grammy all of their imagination! 

A Target run lasted for nearly an hour with lots of fun things to try on and play with. 

After lunch, we had ice cream! 

And then we had to introduce Grammy to the world of KidSpring Videos...


Mason enjoyed all of the toys at rest time. He used these blocks to make all kids of things. 

This one...😍

Reading and play time! 

100% goof

Such a good day wore these two out! 

Daddy arrived Wednesday evening so Thursday morning when Maddox woke up early, they went out for donuts! 

We attempted a stop downtown that didn't happen because we thought it was free and it wasn't. We left there and headed to a library downtown. Mason asked to walk so the four of us walked while Grammy drove. It wasn't the best, long walk. 


BUT we made it! 

This was a cute library but nothing like ours at home! 


That afternoon, the boys played micro machines with Grammy for a long time! 

Again, worn slap out! 

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