We had several more favorites from this month but I didn't get them into the post in time so I'll share those later.
This book, The Day War Came, was 😭😭😭. Very eye opening for all of us and inspiring us to love others for all walks of life. We never know what someone's story is.
This book was about lying and it is a great tool for teaching young children. Mason was asking many questions after this.
Whoa...what imagination this guy has! Mason and Maddox both loved this one!
Another one from the same author...
Maddox is VERY into diggers and machinery so he loved this one. A great Christmas book! It also encouraged us to check out the others in this series of books.
Who is Pirate Frank? That's the surprise!
The Click, Clack books and any book by Doreen Cronin are loved in our home. This one was no different. What happens when the animals go to school?
These 5-minute story books continue to draw us in. The plus of this one is that the stories are actually 5 minutes long whereas other ones are typically a bit longer.
We've read the first two books in this series so this was eagerly anticipated for us. I loved this one the most, I think, as characters became friends instead of enemies.
This book is just plain hilarious. Everywhere they went on this day, they received a dinosaur. How did they handle it?
Another 😭😭😭 book.
Get the tissues before reading this book. This is such a precious book. The little boy talks about balloons and how each balloon holds a memory. He talks of his parents, his and his grandpas’s. Grandpa has the most because he been around for so long. Then something strange happens and Grandpa starts to lose his balloons and he can’t recall the stories he’s always told. An incredible story of love for family in hard situations.
Beautifully illustrated and great for learning these verses in Ecclesiastes.
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