
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Mason's Fifth Birthday {Part 1}

The 5th birthday has come and gone and we celebrated BIG!!! 

On Monday, we met friends at Lake Bowen/Anchor Park and it was a beautiful afternoon for a park play date! 

Our neighbor brought us donuts on Monday morning so we brought those to share with our friends. YUMMMM. 

Our sweet friends brought Mason a toy dog that you squeeze and it pops the balls out of its mouth and he LOVES it! Such a fun toy. They also gave him some handmade cards. 😍


After donuts and presents, the kids played for nearly two hours. They had a great time! 






We also walked out on to the pier for a bit. Again, so beautiful. 

We attempted a group selfie before leaving. These make me laugh so hard. 




Jenn grabbed this picture. Love it so much. 

After leaving the park, we headed home to grab Halloween costumes and head to a facility where I work to Trick or Treat with the residents. 

We had a fun time! 

Tuesday morning, we headed to Pump-It-Up to meet some friends for more birthday week fun. 

Two of Mason's buddies joined us along with their younger siblings and their Moms. We had a fun time! 




Mason received a few gifts from his buds and he was so proud! 

We asked them to join us at McDonalds for Happy Meals and cupcakes. 


After McDonald's, Mason was anxious to get home and play with his fun new toys. 

That's part one! 

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