
Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 1, 2018

December 1st was a fun day so I figured I'd give it a solo post. 
When we woke up that morning, we gave the boys their advent calendars. This is the first year we've done this style and they have enjoyed them so far. 

We headed out to Kid's Workshop at Home Depot. 

The boys made reindeer with sleighs which was fun and messy. 😂

Our friends joined us so while big sisters painted, the Morgan boys showed Q the Christmas decorations. 

We also went to Hatcher Garden for Santa in the Garden and had a fun time. This picture is dark but I forgot to take a picture of the printed picture they provided so this will do. 

There were sugar cookies there, too, so our boys were so hyper it was insane. 


We said good-bye to our friends and headed to Aldi for groceries. When we got home, I had to tell Maddox is was time for nap. That didn't go well. 

After nap and despite the rain, we headed to Trader Joe's. We wanted to pick up a few things for Christmas. Maddox used the stickers they gave him for his glasses. He now calls these his sticker glasses. 😂

Our friends stopped by for an unexpected visit and they saw the Morgan boys sugar high in full effect. I think they still love us. 



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