This was me one morning at Stroller Rollers. I thought I may die.
We got a package in the mail one day and the boys were so excited! They helped me open it.
It was a NINJA! Matt got a bonus at work and it included a free gift. This was our choice. 🎉🎉🎉
They also helped me in the grocery store by carrying the milk. :)
Spider-Man tattoos for the win!
We have significantly decreased screen time this month with most days not including any. It's been so good for all of us. It helps us all appreciate it when we do get to have ipad/tv time. This particular day, I was exhausted so I called in reinforcement. I couldn't handle these two and their cuteness.
Matt made a run happen and this was the result...
Valentine's evening date night at home! Love him.
Look at this sweet boy.
Family Fondue Night!!! It was sooo good and sweet!
We also gave the boys a few Valentine's gifts.
Mason and his buddy, Thomas, love playing basketball together!
Who is this big kid in his backpack?
T-ball evaluation ready!
While Matt and Mason went to the baseball evaluation, Maddox and I had a hummus date.
He's the king of double and triple dipping.
Watching his buddies...
We had Grandmom and Granddad over for dinner and introduced them to the game, Silly Street.
Drinking up his coffee...
Daddy and the boys for movie time!
I got some snuggles in!
Matt and I had a quick date while Mason and Maddox were at AWANA!
Airport park with friends never disappoints!
Then we painted at the library! That was a blast!
Reading time...
And sleeping time...
Three cheers for your Ninja!!!! YAY!!! And Matt's time/distance are amazing! The after photo is very Bekah. :)