
Friday, May 31, 2019

Maddox Says & Does {19}

I told Maddox I was going to a wedding shower. Then later on when went to get in the shower, he said, "Is that a wedding shower?" 😂

Later on he said, "are you going to take all of your clothes off for wedding shower?" It was at that point that we decided "pre-wedding celebration" was a better choice. 😂

To Mason: "Did you hear what my mom said? Stop doing that!" 

Matt asked Mason to see if he could get his own pajamas out of the closet. He said he couldn't reach. Matt told him to get a stool. He started trying and Maddox was cheering him on "you can reach! you can reach!" 

One afternoon while eating lunch, Maddox had eaten some of his carrots and then he stopped and held a chewed bolus of carrots in his mouth for over 15 minutes. 😂

Maddox was counting down to launch things: 3-5-4-3-2-1. ❤️

While visiting Grandmom and Granddad, Maddox looked at Granddad's arm and said "Can I touch that tree on your arm?" speaking of a vein he saw. 😂

Maddox was playing as a snake and I asked him to stand up so I could help get him dressed. He said, "Moooooommmm, snakes don't stand on two feet!"

While playing Guess Who, Maddox says, "Does your person have eyes?" 😂

We went to a nature center with friends. After five hours there, we were walking out and Maddox said, "That was fun." ❤️

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mason Says & Does {38}

Mason asked me if I had ever seen a brain and I told him I'd seen one in a jar before.  He said "Man, I wish I'd seen a brain." I reminded him he still had lots of time to see a brain. He said, "Oh yeah, I forgot I'm only 5." 😂😂😂

"Bad people, people that don't believe in God, and people that don't listen to policemen...those are the ones who go out that gate the wrong way." 😂😂😂 (discussion with Maddox about who goes out of the entrance.)

One recent afternoon, Netflix slowed down and went out. Mason said, "Oh no...Ralph broke the internet." 😂

We left Grandmom and Granddad's house and seconds later, Mason said "I miss Grandmom and Granddad already." ❤️

Mason did some racing with his baseball buddies at practice one day and he won all of them. Matt and I were shocked. 😂😂😂

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Morgan's Movements 2019 {Week 20}

Pure relaxation, I'd say...

We got to spend a morning with some great friends last week and we all had the best time! 



My back was still bothering me last Wednesday so instead of Stroller Rollers, we headed to Chick-Fil-A for story time! 

Mason won a hedgehog. :) 

Coolest kid I know. He was directing me with this whistle. 

Snuck this...

This was Mason setting up a booty (booby) trap for Matt. He was so darn proud! 

I can't handle this sweetness. 

Matt didn't feel well and the boys were taking good care of him. 

Sweetness playing in the sand...before he put sand in all of the unwanted places.😑

Matt took the boys to Panera and this is how they were dressed. I was a bit in awe. 😂

We finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so we watched one of the movies, the old Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Kids' clothes were optional. 

Saturday morning ready for an Amish bakery and a horseshow! 

Waiting for our donuts. ❤️

We also got scones. YUM! 

The horseshow was a neat experience. The boys weren't sure how to behave so that part was tricky but we love our girl, Emily, so we made it work. Emily and her sister are kids I love like I love my own. 

We walked in downtown Landrum briefly and hit up the amish grocery store. 

We took some time on Saturday afternoon to watch some of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Matt. It was the preferred movie. 

Our little Oompa Loompa drummer. 

I also made some fried Oreos. We'd been talking about it for a while and we made it happen! 

Easy Like Sunday morning...

Guy time for these two. 

Maddox brought his snack and came to watch PawPatrol for me! 

Look at this one....❤️

I had a meet-up with my small group table ladies. Only three of us but we had the BEST time!! 

These two fight BIG so when they sit well together and are happy, I try to capture it. 

Dad got lots of snuggles...

The boys and I are off to Louisiana for some family fun! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Recent Reads {May 2019}

Loving My Actual Neighbor by Alexandra Kuykendall

Loving My Actual Neighbor by Alexandra Kuykendall is a SUPER practical book for helping us to live out what God has asked us to do and love our neighbors. She has based the book on scriptural truth (2 Peter) and provides good examples from her life about how to walk out loving your neighbor. I found this book easy to read and to relate to and I enjoyed the concepts she presented. I especially enjoyed reading about generosity as well as humility. 

**Thanks, Baker Books.**

It's A Love Story by Lincee Ray

It's a Love Story is the second book by Lincee Ray. I really enjoyed her first book and wanted to give this one a try. While I did enjoy it, I think I liked her first book better. That being said, this book is good! Ray presents all of the different loves of her life. They are wide and varied just like most anyone's would be. Like her first book, this one is funny and easy to read and super relatable! I love Ray's down-to-earth nature and ease at helping her reader to relate to her. Her knowledge of pop culture is an added bonus! 

**Thanks, Revell Books.**

I think You're Wrong (but I'm Listening) by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers

I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening) was NOT a light read! Nor did I expect it to be. I have heard a bit of buzz around this book and knew that it would stretch me and grow me so I dove right in. Honestly, its one of those books that I could read again and still pick up new information. Holland and Silvers are working moms that are on complete opposite ends of the political spectrum and believe and strive for communication about politics and other hot topics to be respectful. They don't think topics should be avoided but rather conversations started to share beliefs while also honoring the person you are talking to. Grace-filled conversations that truly make a difference.

I learned a good deal from this book and it especially encouraged me to be willing to have hard conversations to share my feelings and hear others while also being respectful and God-honoring. I highly recommend this one! 

**Thank you, BookLook Bloggers.**

Powerful Prayers for Your Son by Rob and Joanna Teigen

Powerful Prayers for Your Son is such an incredible tool for parents. I will say, I have not read every single prayer in this book yet but I've read over half of them. Each prayer is addressing a specific need or area that our sons may need prayer for. When your son is dealing with a particular issue, you can look for a prayer related to that and it has scripture to accompany it so you can seek the Lord on your son's behalf. For the portion of the book that's I've read, I've been ver pleased. The scriptures relate to the topic at hand and will be great for showing my boys when they are dealing with certain things. The prayers are bold while not being overly fancy but rather practical. 

I definitely recommend this for boy moms and dads! 

**Thanks, Revell Books.**