
Friday, May 31, 2019

Maddox Says & Does {19}

I told Maddox I was going to a wedding shower. Then later on when went to get in the shower, he said, "Is that a wedding shower?" 😂

Later on he said, "are you going to take all of your clothes off for wedding shower?" It was at that point that we decided "pre-wedding celebration" was a better choice. 😂

To Mason: "Did you hear what my mom said? Stop doing that!" 

Matt asked Mason to see if he could get his own pajamas out of the closet. He said he couldn't reach. Matt told him to get a stool. He started trying and Maddox was cheering him on "you can reach! you can reach!" 

One afternoon while eating lunch, Maddox had eaten some of his carrots and then he stopped and held a chewed bolus of carrots in his mouth for over 15 minutes. 😂

Maddox was counting down to launch things: 3-5-4-3-2-1. ❤️

While visiting Grandmom and Granddad, Maddox looked at Granddad's arm and said "Can I touch that tree on your arm?" speaking of a vein he saw. 😂

Maddox was playing as a snake and I asked him to stand up so I could help get him dressed. He said, "Moooooommmm, snakes don't stand on two feet!"

While playing Guess Who, Maddox says, "Does your person have eyes?" 😂

We went to a nature center with friends. After five hours there, we were walking out and Maddox said, "That was fun." ❤️

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