
Monday, May 20, 2019

The Morgan's Movements 2019 {Week 19}

This picture represents a moment of obedience for me. A friend told us that her daughter had testing for the week and I said we'd say a prayer. I stopped right there and held hands with my boys at the table and we prayed for our sweet girl right then. Then we sent a thumbs up for extra good luck, too! ❤️

These pictures aren't from this week but they were posted on Facebook from the Summer Shakedown and I wanted to be sure to post them, too. 

One afternoon during nap time, I walked out to find Mason playing so sweetly in the toy corner. 

My guys went to the grocery store and came home with these! ❤️

After our long fun day at the nature center, Matt took the boys to Cook-Out for dinner. They were PUMPED about that peach cobbler milkshake. 

Matt was grossed out because he got a cajun fry flavored ice cream bite. πŸ˜‚

Snuggles in bed in the evenings are becoming a family favorite. Sometimes we read. Sometimes we watch a show together. 

Coolest dude ever. 

They were outside "chillin'". 

Walked out to find Mason out sound asleep instead of playing. 

Coolest t-baller around. 

This one has my heart. He is so my child. 

Boy sees apple. 


Haircut day for these cuties! 

Matt and Maddox had a date and Mason and I stayed home to play games. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Matt took Maddox to walk on the Rail Trail and to get dinner and dessert. 


Mason and I made banana-egg pancakes at home. YUM! 


We ended the evening with playing some iPad games. 

They ended the night with banana pudding! 


Then we really ended the night all together. 

For the last t-ball game, we were racing the rain and it held off! Maddox helped to coach third base. 


After t-ball, I got cleaned up and headed to a dance recital! 

This girl 🀒and her sister behind her have my heart. 

Monday morning we got a bit of pool time with friends. Maddox was relaxed! Mason was brave enough to slide down the slide. πŸŽ‰

It was a GOOD week! 

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