
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Atlanta/Father's Day Weekend: Day 2

On Saturday morning, not everyone was ready to get up and get moving! 

It was our last morning with GiGi so before the boys headed down to the pool, they gave big hugs to her! 



We could see them from the room! 

I waited downstairs with GiGi so she could board the shuttle and head to the airport! Always bittersweet. We had a great trip though! 

Meanwhile at the pool...

Once we were all back upstairs, we got dressed and just hung out until time to leave to meet Matt's parents and brother and his wife for lunch. 

Missing his GiGi. 

Goodness, the sweetness. 

One more perusal of the lobby before loading up. 

We all met up at the Varsity to continue the weekend of fun! Matt and his brother organized this for their Dad. A Braves/Phillies game for Matt, Ben, Mr. Rob and Mason was in store! 

Lunch was yummy (maybe best I've had at the Varsity) and the company was good, too! 

After that, we headed to IKEA! 


Try out all of the things. 

After that we headed to our HUGE hotel to check in for the night. Look how high!! 

The boys wasted no time getting comfy! 

Ready for an adventure with Mom, Grammy and Aunt Anne! 

We sent the other guys off to the baseball game and we headed to get dinner settling on Metro Cafe (I think). It was delicious! 

When we got done eating, we headed back to the hotel and went swimming. Maddox was EXCITED! 

Meanwhile at Suntrust Park! 


We saw these cakes at our dinner spot and could not pass them up! 

Once we finished swimming, we headed back to our rooms for comfy clothes and to eat cake! 

We all tried bits of each other and none of them disappointed. I think my favorite of the three was the one Anna chose though. 

This one was tooting up a storm!! Kept turning and laughing every time. 

More fun being had at the baseball game. Matt said Mason was into it the whole time and proudly cheering for the Braves among his Phillies family. 

Some of these may be out of order because I wasn't there so 🤷‍♀️

After swimming and cake, we headed up the elevator to the top floor. I believe it was 50 or 52. It was insane. 


Maddox was completely exhausted at this point. No nap and it was near 9:00. 

We headed back to the room shortly after that and he was out within seconds. 

Mason was wearing out at the game! 

Didn't make it back to the hotel awake. Sign of a good time! 

Despite the late ending of the game, Matt declared it a success! And I believe everyone else did as well! 

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