
Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Morgan's Movements 2019 {Week 22}

Week 22 was a GiGi week! We all love when GiGi is here! 

I asked my mom if there were any tea sets at my grandmother's house and she said there were and she brought me a couple of cups and saucers for us to use during poetry tea time this fall. We can't wait to do that! 

Can you even handle that sweetness!?! 

Matt left us some ribs to try and we all loved them. 

I don't recall what we were making here but I had some good helpers! 

Was there ever a more perfect towel for the Morgans? 

Micro machine time! 

Matt and I had a date for QT ice cream. That's a good and cheap date! 

Word searches with GiGi. 

We met Grandmom and Granddad at Lake Bowen for Grandmom's birthday and my guys fished for a bit! 


We observed. 

Maddox decided sitting with GiGi was a better idea! 

Grandmom wouldn't let us bring food to her birthday gathering because that's just who she is! 

HUGE strawberries! 

We sang to Grandmom. She brought a cake but we surprised her with brownies, too. 

Maddox was OVER IT at this point! 

But Grandmom made him laugh. :) 

This GiGi trip was known at the week of chilly bumps for Mason. He snuggled her daily and asked for a back rub for chilly bumps. 

Telling me some kind of story! 

Brotherly love. 

Backyard swim! 

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