
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mason Says & Does {39}

I was telling Matt and the boys that I was going to run to get flowers for Anna for her recital. Mason says, "Are you going to throw them on the stage at the end?" 😊

Mason realized that Maddox only got to do one thing in the book. He said "Wait! You only got to do one, Maddox." Then he went back to the page so Maddox could do the rest. ❤️

"You forgot to put gas in Daddy's truck because Hub City Scoops was so good." ❤️

The boys were bonkers before bed and Matt and I were 😳😳😳. Mason sighed and said, "Hashtag Kids." 😂

My mom's feet bother her on long walks so when we can, we get her close to the door. While at the movies, Matt pulled up to the door to let her out. Mason told our friends that we do that because "SHE IS 65!!" 😂

Mom left her water bottle in the car when the flew out. Mason said, "Good thing we have it as a memory." 😂

While at the Braves game, the catcher caught a ball between his legs. Mason asked what happened. Matt told him that he got hit in the penis. Mason said, "What a penis.....ooooohhhh." he felt that guy's pain!

When leaving summer blast, Matt asked Mason if he had fun. He said he had a blast. "They shot confetti three times!"

Matt and Mason had an impromptu dance party before bed one night while at Matt's parents house. :)

I reminded Mason that he wasn't the parent and that I could handle a certain situation. His response: But I'm your assistant. 😂

One night, Mason requested soup which we did not have at home. I told him we could get it at the grocery store when we went for a few other things but that there was a stipulation. If we bought it and made it, he would eat it. If he didn't, it would be the next morning's breakfast. He agreed and that night, he didn't finish it. The next morning, he had it for breakfast and that was truly something. It was a 1.5 hour process. Anyway, later on I told the boys we were going to Grandmom and Granddad's for dinner. Mason was excited and said, "They always have pudding or ice cream for dessert." I told him that was true but that whatever they had, we would be grateful for. He paused and said, "Well, I can tell you one thing, if it's chicken noodle soup, I'm definitely not eating it." 😂😂😂

The boys requested Chitty Chitty Bang Bang because "Mr. Potts is an inventor and we are kind of like inventors building with our legos." ❤️

"I got something on the mirror and I tried to clean it but I couldn't so I need you to." I told him we were going to teach him how to clean it and that was going to be one of the chores he could earn money for. He smiles BIG and says "You guys can get the mirror dirty every single day and I'll clean it." 🤣

One of the toys they've made at kid's workshop lost a piece. Mason offered a toy hammer to Matt to fix it. Matt told him that he needed something heavy and Mason said, "How about my head?!" 😂

When I picked the boys up from a morning summer camp, the leader whispered to me, "They were awesome! You're doing a good job." ❤️

Mason is SUCH a big brother. Maddox had not talked the whole time we were watching movie previews. When the short started, he remained quiet. Then the theatre went dark for the movie. Mason leaned over and said, "Be quiet now, Maddox." 😂❤️

"Hey Mom, I'd like my own bible." ❤️

Mason told me one morning, "I slept all night without Stinky Face (one of his buddies.)" I asked him how stinky face felt about that. He said, "He was sleeping." 😂

During pretend play with Maddox, "We have to drive in the night so you drive for a little bit while I sleep then I'll drive, okay?" ❤️

One night Mason has decided he is completely done with his buddies in his bed. At least for now. 😂

Mason made a buddy bed next to his bed. One morning, I hear him say, "OH NO poor George! He fell out of his bed. Georggggggeeee...Batman can you scoot over a bit? George doesn't have enough room." 😂😭

Mason to Maddox: Are you cleaning up?
Maddox: Yeah.
Mason: It sure doesn't look like it. 😂

Maddox asked when I was a little girl and I told him. Mason said, "About 16,000 years ago." 🙄

I was sitting up on the couch and slid down to rest and Mason looked over and said "Do you want one of these pillows?" Just so considerate. 😭

Our neighbor brought over drumstick ice cream cones which the boys had never had. Mason: There is a piece of chocolate in the bottom of my ice cream!!

We spent a Saturday at the lake with friends and on the way home Mason said his favorite part was riding the tube. 😊 He was so nervous to ride at first but then he gained some courage and had a blast.

We found out that our buddies' chicken died. Mason immediately asked to pray. "God take care of the rest of the chickens. Take care of Anna and Emily and Mr. Paul and Mrs. Kris. Amen." 😭

Mason blew a dandelion and made a wish. "I want six hamsters when I grow up." Shortly after he blew another one, "I was nine more hamsters."

Randomly one day "Mom, you're a good mom." 😭

"We've got to put on our everyday armor because there's a devil sneaking around" He's learning this from church and it was so mature and real.

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