
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mason's 6th Birthday!

At this point, my posts are out of order BUT it is what it is. 😂🤷‍♀️
We woke Mason up on his birthday with balloons and singing. It's tradition! 


Before we headed out for our traditional Wal-Mart candy trip and breakfast with Grandmom and Granddad, I put out Mason's presents. 

Off we go! 

We got Mason's traditional post-Halloween candy purchased and then headed to Golden Corral. We invited Grandmom and Granddad and were so glad to see them. 

Grandmom crocheted Mason a new hat for his birthday. He LOVES it! 

And only on your birthday can you have ice cream for breakfast. 😂

Well, I guess also on your brother's birthday. 😉



Pure silliness! And so much love. 

Pure silliness once again. Blame it on the ice cream. 

Busy on birthday calls. 😉

When we got home, we opened presents and there was definitely some excitement! 

Maddox got him a light saber. 

Mason wanted some special underwear so I got all the guys matching ones. 🤷‍♀️😊







Mason asked for snack size bags of Doritos for his birthday so we delivered. He was super excited. His favorite gift, I believe. 

I left for the women's conference that afternoon and had to tell my guys good-bye. ❤️

We are so grateful to celebrate SIX years with our big guy! 

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