
Friday, March 20, 2020

Christmas Day 2019

A blog post hasn't been shared in 6-7 weeks and this post is about Christmas which was 3 months ago. Let's just say that a lot of life has taken place for us. I will share more about everything soon but for now, I'll start the slow process of catching up. 

Christmas morning. We were READY to wake up our boys to get the day started. Well, if I recall correctly, they were already awake and we were just getting them up. ❤️

First thing in the morning, opened their stockings and enjoyed some play time with all of those things for over an hour while breakfast cooked and we awaited Grandmom and Granddad's arrival! 

They are here!!! 

After a delicious and slow (intentionally) breakfast, we headed into the living room to open presents together. Batman joined us in one of his gifts. ☺️


These next pictures are of present opening, oohing, ahhing and enjoying the morning together. There wasn't a shortage of presents but the boys opened each one and took time to explore it before moving to the next one. 


Maddox's favorite gift: Aquaman. 

Mason's favorite gift: a boomerang. 





Maddox's present from Mason...he was soooo excited and is still playing with that Dollar General toy! 

Whoopie cushions!!! 

Gift from Maddox to Mason...nerf gun. ❤️



GiGi's turn!! 

Grandmom and Granddad's turn! LOTS of help provided! 

Our turn for a few presents from Grandmom and Granddad. 

It's CHOMP, a crocheted shark! 

And Larry Frankie Maddox the giraffe. Yep, 3 months later and that's still his name. 

A few more presents...
It was a book Christmas and the boys have read these LEGO books repeatedly since then! 


Matt got a balloon animal kit. 

More books...


Grandmom gave the adults journals. This one is my mom's. 

And this one is mine...they are beautiful! 

Part of Matt's...

We also had one last present for GiGi...some handprint art made just for her! 

We definitely surprised her! 


We had some ornaments made for the boys to represent the year. Mason's was him reading since he learned to read in 2019 and Maddox's was legos because he is VERY into those! 


Matt got a brand new flannel shirt and he loves it! 

Merry Christmas Day! 

Time to give some love so Grandmom and Granddad could move to their other Christmas stop. 

After present opening, we needed a snack! 

Then a nap! Mason even napped!!! 

Aldi sold these cheese advent calendars. Mom and Matt shared one and enjoyed it. Not quite the same as enjoying a piece daily but they didn't care! 

The traditional afternoon snack spread was in full effect! 

That night, I played with the boys' toys. I mean, why not!?! 

Matt made a few balloons! 

Then Kyle came over to celebrate Christmas with us! He brought some amazing and unexpected gifts for all of us and it was such a sweet time! 



Great end to a night!!! 

Christmas 2019 was a good one!! 

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