
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Morgan's Movements 2020 {Week 5}

LEGOS make for some best times for these boys. 

Chick-Fil-A Story time and Maddox was the winner this day! 

Krispy Kreme sounded like a good idea, too! We went for the minis but I should have known the Morgan boys wouldn't go for that! 

All of that activity wore him out! 

Still worn out even once Matt got home from work! 

We got to take Emily out for her belated birthday outing. Dinner with Maddox, her choice. Waffle House was the winner! 

And after all of that food, they still said they could hold dessert and they did! 

Co-op day! 

I forgot what happened to him...

Cooking always! 

Outside exploring time and drawing what they see. 

Dinner with Dad! 

Matt took them to Golden Corral one Friday before he headed to Men's conference at church. 


While they were there, it started snowing! 

When they got home, they played it in a bit. It was BIG flakes! 

Maddox didn't last long before he wanted to come in for play time. 

Men's Conference! Matt and Kyle rode down together and roomed together. Matt said it was a great weekend! 

Meanwhile, we vegged and grabbed take-out in our pajamas! 


That Saturday was basketball! These boys were READY! 



That afternoon, we played. 

Matt finished up the conference and went for BBQ. He brought his leftovers home. All was delicious! 

This one was HAPPY to see his Daddy! 

Apparently I didn't take any pictures between that one and the next day's snuggles. 😂

That Sunday night was the Super Bowl. We stayed up and watched together through halftime. 

Monday was a beautiful day so we headed to the park, ate snack and shortly after that, our friends showed up! We played for HOURS! 

Morning snuggles with BOTH. Goodness, things I hope I never take for granted. 

A playdate with friends meant costumes for this one! 

More park play time. 

School days...he has now learned all 180 1st grade level sight words! 

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