
Friday, May 29, 2020

Maddox Says and Does {24}

When trying to take a picture one day while playing, Maddox would NOT smile. "This is how pictures go." Well, okay then.

Morning conversation with Maddox: "Mason works for Skittles. I work for a company making fuel and my bosses make fuel pumps." He made a face while talking and I asked him about it. "That's the face my boss makes when I'm taking a break with them." 😂

When playing outside..."don't blow bubbles on our construction site. Give us our peace please."

I asked Maddox if he finished his water..."Of course, I did!"

On one of our family walks, we passed a house with a HUGE tree stump. Maddox said "They can't breathe because they cut down their tree." 😍

During quarantine one day, Maddox said' Can we go to Grandmom and Granddad's and eat dinner and roast marshmallows? We can sit outside and stand six feet apart." 😭

One day for lunch, I randomly had two green plates to pull out and I thought to myself "Awesome no arguing over plate color." Set the plates down on the table and Maddox said, "I wanted the top green plate not the bottom one." 😑😑😑

Maddox said he needed something soft to land on. I told him he could land on me. He said, "But you're not soft. You're squishy." 😂 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Mason Says and Does {43}

Mason's front tooth is very loose (as of May 1st) and its got a little gap and that's the first gap he's ever had. It looks so weird!

One day the tornado sirens started out of the clear blue. Mason: "I think the thing that turns the sirens on got bumped on accident." Thankfully, he was right!

"What's an elephant with goggles? A gogglephant!"

When we celebrated Mason turning 6.5 and finishing Kindergarten, we asked him what else he'd like to do to celebrate. "Help our community by picking up trash." 😭😭😭 We 100% did just that! While we were out, he said, "I'm so glad I have you guys." ❤️❤️

One morning while outside playing, Mason got his little jet stuck in the tree. He got the red shovel end to try to get it out like he'd seen Matt do the day before. He never complained and he kept on working until he got it! 🦾

One afternoon, I took a little cat nap. Mason said "Daddy would have liked this day since he'd get to nap!" (Matt was working.) 

Friday, May 22, 2020

An Urgent Care Visit!

Well, last Friday, Maddox was putting a toy shovel away before dinner and he slipped/tripped and hit himself in the head causing a huge gash. It bled and bled. 


I called a friend who is a nurse and she originally recommended butterfly bandages or steri-strips but then touched base with a friend who is a pediatrician and she said to take him to urgent care. 



I thought he'd need stitches but the cut was clean on the edges and the doctor was able to get it back together easily. 

He was so brave the whole time and never once fussed. He was GLAD to get that popsicle though! 

I sent Aunt Anne and Uncle Ben an update they said to give him hugs from them. I told him and he asked how we would do that and then they sent hugs for Maddox. ❤️

When we got home, Mason was watching a show and Maddox hopped up and joined him.


The next morning started slowly and Maddox needed lots of snuggles. 

Looking good though! 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend 2020

Mother's Day weekend was a pretty good one even though there were definitely some hard moments. 
We started it off with an Oreo taste test which was a lot of fun!! 


Maddox was definitely left with a Oreo belly! 

Maddox's request was to make me a cake for Mother's Day. It turned out so well! 

One of my meal requests was creamed beef and Matt delivered. It was fantastic! 

Goodness, I'm so grateful to be their momma. 

Sunday morning, Matt made delicious blueberry cake waffles! 

My guys had a few presents for me, too. 

Right before we headed out on a family walk, our precious neighbor brought strawberry pie. Oh my word. It was delicious. 

Our family walk was precious and I'm so glad my guys agreed to take one with me! 


After that, I did my Couch To 5K workout and it was awesome. Carried all of my babies with me. ❤️

Creations from my boys. ❤️

That night, Matt and I had a date night dinner and it was delicious! 

I also received a fantastic massage from Mason...all his idea! 

Sunday, some emotions hit me hard and we had to work through them together. The good was ever-present and it was just a sweet weekend together.