
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend 2020

Mother's Day weekend was a pretty good one even though there were definitely some hard moments. 
We started it off with an Oreo taste test which was a lot of fun!! 


Maddox was definitely left with a Oreo belly! 

Maddox's request was to make me a cake for Mother's Day. It turned out so well! 

One of my meal requests was creamed beef and Matt delivered. It was fantastic! 

Goodness, I'm so grateful to be their momma. 

Sunday morning, Matt made delicious blueberry cake waffles! 

My guys had a few presents for me, too. 

Right before we headed out on a family walk, our precious neighbor brought strawberry pie. Oh my word. It was delicious. 

Our family walk was precious and I'm so glad my guys agreed to take one with me! 


After that, I did my Couch To 5K workout and it was awesome. Carried all of my babies with me. ❤️

Creations from my boys. ❤️

That night, Matt and I had a date night dinner and it was delicious! 

I also received a fantastic massage from Mason...all his idea! 

Sunday, some emotions hit me hard and we had to work through them together. The good was ever-present and it was just a sweet weekend together. 

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