
Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Morgan's Movements 2020 {Week 24}

Now we are getting caught up! (You're welcome, GiGi. 😉😉😉)

This kid is the most handsome 6.5 year old! 

A tiny tiny fort which MAY have caused issues between brothers because there wasn't enough space. 😂

Oh the sweetness. 

He did it! 🦾

You never know what you'll find on a bike ride! 


We have seen these everywhere and didn't know what it was. We finally googled it and got the name and now we've been saying it constantly! "Hardy Mimosa!!" 

Hot as fire but we got it in! 

Pure coziness. 

Mrs. Kris sent a Bojangle's biscuit after one of our evening visits and the boys had it as part of their breakfast the next day. They were PUMPED! 



Man, I got lots of snuggles and love during this week! 

Game time was definitely a theme of the week. 

Costume time was a well. This kid LOVES a costume! 

Two tired parents happy for a date night in. 

He makes me laugh. 


Another visit to Grandmom and Granddad's meant more chicken time! Mason fed them some. 

We also celebrated Maddox's birthday (after the fact) with them. 

Happy guy! 

Maddox was watching out the window to see what Grandmom was bringing in! 

Game time continued even at G&G's! 

A present for Maddox! 

He named it "Ginger" ❤️

A little love. ❤️

Maddox woke up one morning before Mason and we tiptoed into the living room for a game of Sneaky Snacky Squirrel. 

After 14 long weeks, these boys got haircuts. 
Here are some before pictures: 


Strange times we are living in. 

AFTER! Short summer cuts!


I just don't even know. 

I love to catch them reading. They have reading time for 30 minutes of rest time and it is often that they both read well past their 30 minutes. ❤️


Maddox's well check was a success! 

Maddox got the shots and they both got popsicles. :) 


Yep, the games continue. I don't love Candy Land but Maddox does so we play it often. Mason and Maddox can play solo so that's a good thing, too. 

Bike rides and scooter rides with Matt and I running/walking alongside them...this is definitely a theme of the last several months for our family. 


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