
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Halloween 2020

We drove back from Oak Island on Halloween so when we got back we had just a bit of time to get the boys costumes on and get ready for a few activities we had planned. 
They both asked to be skeletons and I found good deals at Target on costumes! 

One of the churches in town did a drive through trick of treat event and it was SO well done!! 


They had it set up with various displays and gosh, it was just so nice! They gave out pre-packaged bags of candy at 2-3 spots. It was more than enough for the boys! 

We trick or treated at a few houses that had candy set out which was fun! 
We also made a stop to get Mason's birthday cupcakes since the next day he was turning SEVEN!!

Once we got home, we saw that Maddox glowed!! 

Maddox was also being a rascal as these pictures show. 
Mason's last night at 6! 
It's too many pictures but I kept them all in because they make me happy!

Almost 7! 


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