
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Commenting Challenge Day 4

My husband and I are actually going out of town tomorrow so I won't participate in day 5. So here's to the last day for me!

Matt and I like many of the same hobbies. We both love to read, watch movies or TV shows on DVD (we don't have cable). We also like to be outdoors when it isn't crazy hot. We like to surf the internet. He loves "articles" and I like blogs, of course. We love to travel when we are able.

Favorite movie for me: Dirty Dancing or Steel Magnolias
Favorite movie for Matt: The Fifth Element

Favorite book for me: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Favorite book for Matt: Neil Peart's travel books

Favorite music for me: anything contemporary Christian
Favorite music for Matt: same as mine as well as Dream Theater

We are currently in love with watching back episodes of Criminal Minds on DVD that we get from the library. We are also reading through all Newberry Award Winning Books since the years we were born. It's cheesy but fun for us!

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Commenting Challenge Day 3

Today's commenting challenge is about social media which just isn't something I care a ton about. So I guess I'm sitting this one out! :)

Til then-
Did YOU Hear About the Morgans? 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 2012 - 101 in 1001 Update

This update comes a little before the end of June BUT we won't complete any other goals before the end of the month. 

Our Goals

1. Add a member to our family :)

2. Pay off all student loans. (our deadline: 12/31/13)

3. Visit NYC.

4. Take a long road trip. 

5. Sell something on Etsy  

6. Have Dad's Crawfish in Louisiana.  

7. Take a trip to Louisiana at least once a year. (1/3)

8. Host a holiday in our home.

9. Go camping.

10. Build a real fire.   

11. Rent or buy a house. (Goal: 10/12) 

12. Decorate the outside of a house for Christmas.

13. Stay at or Visit the Biltmore. 

14. Serve in a soup kitchen.

15. Grow our own tomatoes.

16. ******* ;)

17. Give an item away each time we buy something new (clothing, housewares, etc).  

18. Go on dates at least every other week.  (I am keeping this on here because life can change over the next 2.5 years, however, we go on dates usually once a week)

19. Complete a blog series together. (DONE June 2012)

20. For one month, don't buy anything extra. (completed June 2012)

21. Contact our family members at least once a week.

22. Go to a shooting range. 

23. Go sailing.

24. Get involved in a community service group.

25. Go on a mission trip.

26. Read at least one book a month for a year. (6/12)

27. Start a small business. 

29. Buy a new Christmas ornament each year. (0/3)

30. Get a massage.  (Done-Couple's Massage 6/9/12)

31. Send a card to a friend or family member just for fun.

32. Begin a photography business (big or small).  

33. Eat at a local/non-chain restaurant every time we travel. (we do this consistently because it's so fun!)

34. Visit a new place once a year. (So far this year, Charlotte, Asheville, Columbia, Chimney Rock)

35. Ride in a hot air balloon. 

36. Attend at least one festival a year in the state where we live. (1/3)

37. Stay at a B&B.

38. Floss more- at least once a week. (WE HATE FLOSSING) 

39. Give a 100% tip. 

40. Go see a musical.

41. Eat a new type of foods (Korean, African, etc)

42. Repurpose a piece of furniture. (done June 3, 2012)

43. Watch a sunrise and photograph it.

44. Explore secret paths.

45. Do something nice for someone anonymously. 

46. Pick fruit at an orchard. 

47. Get a library card. 

48. Go to a garage sale together.

49. Celebrate our Golden Birthdays in style! (1/2)

50. Make homemade ice cream. 

51. Learn a new hobby together. (we are talking about becoming fishermen :))

Leslie's Goals

52. Lose my desired amount of weight.

53. Continue to utilize this blog to document our lives especially once we start having children.

54. Get a Skype account and use it. 

55. Paint something worth looking at (not just a wall) :)

56. Add at least one cross to my cross collection. 

57. Learn to make the best sweet tea my husband has ever tasted. 

58. Make homemade marshmallows.  

59. Sell/Give away at least one cake or cupcakes that I've decorated for a party/gathering/birthday/etc.

60. Plan a scavenger hunt for Matt. 

61. Bake and decorate each of Matt's birthday cakes. (1/3)

62. Rake someone's leaves.

63. Meet up with at least one other blogger whose blog I read.

64. Complete a blog series or post about our wedding, including the planning. Just for my own sake :) (DONE on 6/12/12)

65. Continue mailing out birthday and anniversary cards to our friends and family. (I have continued to do well with this; if I am able to continue for the next several months, I'll consider marking this one off) 

66. Invite someone to stay with us for a weekend or longer at least once a year. (1/3)

67. Complete a vlog.

68. Go fishing.

69. Make a point to call my closest friends as often as possible, not just texting.

70. Take a continuing education class related to Autism or other childhood disorders-even though I don't currently work with children.

71. Find a yummy Low Country Boil recipe and cook it. (done 6/4/12)

72. Take at least one picture of Matt and I every time we travel.

73. When we take a long trip (5+ hours one way), drive so that Matt doesn't have to.

74. Take a trip to visit a few special friends (we know who they are).

75. Take a cake decorating class.

76. Read a book, write a blog post about it, and link up with a book club blog. (done 6/12/12)

Matt's Goals

77. Run a 5k. (Officially registered for the Color Run-Charlotte on 11/17/12)

78. Take a photography class. 

79. Take Leslie to an air show

80. Make a picture frame out of an old or hand-made window frame.

81. Go to a college football game.

82. Get a dog.

83. Get a new camera lens. (we are in the process of saving for this. Our goal is 9/13/12)

84. Make my wife cry in a good/romantic/sweet/you get the idea way.

85. Give Leslie a love letter at least once a month for a year. (Doing well on this 6 down, 6 to go)

86. Visit Chimney Rock, N.C. 

87. Wear a suit, and look good doing it. ;)

88. Visit a new, to me, zoo. 

89. Watch the Flyers destroy the Hurricanes in Charlotte (hopefully with Leslie).

90. Fix something for someone.

91. Cook something new and exciting.(DONE 6/8/12; homemade poptarts!) These were amazing! 

92. Swim in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

93. Make something from scratch. (DONE 6/8/12; fresh baked artisan bread!) 

94. Do something with Granddad. 

95. Journal more often.

96. Learn all the words to or learn how to play one of Leslie's "high school days" favorite rap songs.

97. Teach something to someone.

98. Ride a horse.

99. Surprise Leslie with surprises. (doing good so far) 

100. Spend an entire day, literally the entire day, in bed. Hopefully not while sick. 

101. Figure out how we will finish all 101 things on this list. 

Ours: 13/51
Leslie: 8/25
Matt: 8/25

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans? 

Commenting Challenge Day 2

Today is day 2 of the commenting challenge. Yesterday was fun so I thought I'd do it again. 

Our blog is just about our lives. It's a way for us to keep a record of what is going on in our lives. Our first post was written on our honeymoon and it has chronicled parts of our lives since then. It's very fun for me to write about our journeys and adventures and I hope to use it one day to journal the lives of our children. It is also a way to keep family and friends updated. 
Our blog has a little bit of everything from recipes to crafts to day-to-day life stuff. I'm also spending a lot of time this year blogging about our "101 things to do in 1001 days" list. You can read further back in our entries to learn more about that. I love to use our blog to share things about our marriage. We knew when we got married that God wanted us to share our lives with other people and model a Godly marriage for others. This blog is a small portion of that! 

Hope you enjoy reading!

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Blog Commenting Challenge

 Linking up with Jenna's Journey for a fun Blog Commenting Challenge. Today's topic is all "About Me!"

My name is Leslie. I live in Spartanburg, SC with my husband, Matthew. We moved here from Montgomery, Alabama on November 21st, 2011. I am originally from south Louisiana but have also lived in north Louisiana and Birmingham, Alabama as well. Matt is an Air Force Brat originally from New Jersey moved to Illinois and then Montgomery, Alabama.

We LOVE our little city.

We have been married for 18 months, since January 1, 2011. We both work outside of the home. I am a Speech Language Pathologist and Matthew is a new photographer who also works at home depot. We don't have any children yet, although we look forward to filling our home one day!  One pet, a fish named Splenden. As soon as we rent or buy a house, we will have a puppy dog.

We love to sell craft items on Etsy and my husband just started a photography business. The links are below

Matt's photography

Welcome to our blog :)

Til then-
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Sunday, June 24, 2012


Have a busy week coming up so I won't have much time to blog. We are both working a good bit and then we head to Knoxville, TN on Friday for a few days to see The Moody Family and for Matt to take pictures of sweet Lela!

Can't wait!

Til then-
Did YOU Hear About the Morgans?

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Morgans...Part 3

Part 3 of this series which we are calling "The Future". We mentioned in our last series post that enjoy talking about our future. Obviously, we have no idea what the future holds but we like to talk about the plans we have for one day in the future, nonetheless.

Work Less
                 Matt and I both enjoy working. I love being a speech language pathologist and Matt is enjoying starting his photography business as well as working at Home Depot at this time. However, we would love to be in a place financially and just overall in our lives where we work less. We would love for Matt to be able to do his photography, for me to work PRN as an SLP and for us to support ourselves in other ways as well including making and selling crafts. It's a dream for sure.

Home School
                     We have gone back and forth about this for a while and we know that we may change our minds again before we get to this point BUT as of right now, we plan to home school our children. Matt was home schooled and there were things he liked about it and things he didn't. Our goal is to teach our children as much as we are able and then be a part of a co-op so that they can also be taught things that we can't teach them as well. The only way that we will ever do this is if we are able to have our children involved in children's ministry, youth ministry, play groups, co-op etc so they are involved with their peers. We never want for our children to be isolated from their peers.

          We want to be able to travel more. We don't necessarily want to take huge, expensive trips but we would love to camp inexpensively, take our children and ourselves on mission trips across the nation and even the world. We love the thought of an across country RV trip to visit family and see the USA. Lovely lovely idea.

Budget Well
                     Matt and I love our budget. We love knowing that we have a great amount of control over our finances because we prepare ahead of time. We hope and pray that we are able to continue this for all of our lives. There is so much freedom in that!

Discover New Things
                                   Between the two of us, Matt is the more adventurous one. Because of that, he encourages me to be adventurous. With that in mind, we want to be adventurous with our children too. We want to always explore new things--cooking new foods, making new things, hiking, camping, etc. etc. etc.

Teach our Children to cook
                                               Matt and I love to cook and we want to pass that down to our children and grandchildren in the future. My grandmother was a great cook but I didn't learn much from her because I just ate the food :). Matt kind of had the same experience. We think that cooking with your children can be a great teaching experience. We can't wait for that!

Buy/Rent a home
                           We know that we are a long way from buying a house but we hope to be able to do this one day. In the mean time, we want to find a great home to rent for an extended period of time. We have enjoyed apartment life but we are ready for a free standing structure to reside in :)

Grow our own Garden--Be more self Sufficient
                                                                           Matt has talked about having a garden since before we were married. He is so good growing pretty much anything and he can't wait to have space to be able to do as he wishes. He wants a big garden that will allow for a large amount of fresh produce so that we can be more self sufficient.

Finish our 101 in 1001 list
                                         This is a short term future goal. We have so enjoyed completing goals on our list. Over 20 completed so far and each have been fun. By end of September 2014, we hope we have done all 101 :)

                     Of course, Matt and I want to have children of our own but we hope one day in the future to be foster parents and possibly eventually adopt children that are in the foster system.

So there you have it. Just a brief look into our thoughts about the future.

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Social, Week 2

Sunday Social

Linking up for week 2 of Sunday Social

Favorite movie of all time?
My favorite movie of all time is a toss up between Dirty Dancing, Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman. I have loved each of those movies for years but I guess if I had to pick one to watch forever, I'd pick Pretty Woman

Favorite movie quote?
I love to watch movies but honestly, I don't remember specific lines from Many of them. I'm going to go with "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die" from Despicable Me. Also, a special movie because Matt and I saw it on the day we got engaged.

Best movie to watch for a girls night in?
Hmm, I pick How to lose a Guy in 10 days

Best breakup movie?
I have no idea...

Favorite celeb eye candy?
I don't really look at celebs very much. Before I was married, I liked Channing Tatum. Now, I just like to look at my hubs :)

Which movie star's closet would you want to raid?
Again, I'm not really starstruck so I guess someone who wears my size :)

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Show Us your Bedroom

I linked up with Kelly's Korner two weeks ago for "Show us Your Living room". Last week it was kitchens and our kitchen in our apartment is SOOO small so I skipped that week. This week it's a tour of bedrooms. This is our bedroom. Our apartment has two bedrooms but our spare bedroom is being used as our craft room right now too and it's nothing special. Maybe I'll show it one day :) Enjoy the tour of our small yet great space! 

Entrance to our room from the living  room

This is our bed. The quilt on our bed is a t-shirt quilt that our dear friend, Keva, made for us. We normally have a brown comforter on the bed but for the summer this quilt is perfect plus, it's special! The picture above our bed was painted by another great friend, Mandy. 

Our sink is in our bedroom. So cool...NOT! The messages on the mirror are love notes we write to each other. 

This scripture is our Morgan Family life verse. Mandy painted it too. We both love it. It's on the wall opposite of the window. 

An up-close of the painting above our bed. 

Our dresser, mirror and our TV with our current guilty pleasure playing :). The dresser is at the foot of the bed. 

Our closet. Small but functional for us. This door is right next to our dresser. 

This is "our" wall. Pictures of us, bridal, engagement, and wedding. Wedding license too. 

We love our room and hope you do too!

Til then-
Did YOU Hear about the Morgans?