
Monday, October 6, 2014

31 Days: Letters To Mason: Day 6

Dear Mase Mase, 

Today we have had a particularly hard day. I think you must be teething because you have been super fussy and every now and then, it doesn't matter what I do, you are inconsolable. It breaks my heart but I know it's just part of life. 

This tough day has made me think about love and I want you to know something. No matter how hard of a day we may have, I love you unconditionally. I know that this hard day is one of possibly hundreds to come in your lifetime and that's unfortunately/fortunately just part of life. 

When God allowed your Dad and me to become your parents, we promised to him that we would do our best to raise you to know and love Him and that we would love you no matter what. You are our son and we do love you so. 

Love, Mom

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