
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

31 Days: Letters To Mason: Day 7

Dear Mason, 

Today is a fun day for us. We go to MOPS together on the first and third Tuesday of each month. When you were born, I began to stay home with you and just work PRN when your Dad had days off, etc. It has been such a joy but I also knew that in order for me to be the best Mom that I can be to you, I needed to make sure I was having some time for myself, too. 

MOPS is one of those things that helps me to be a better Mom to you. We attend at Boiling Springs First Baptist. It lasts from 9-11:15. I drop you off in the nursery with the MOPPETS who are awesome, incredible, Godly and sweet women and they take care of you and play with you while I meet with other Moms. 

We spend a bit of time eating and then we fellowship with each other. Each time we meet, there is a lesson and it is always so encouraging to me. These meetings help me to glean from other Moms with older children. They help me to be able to learn and grow closer to God. When we leave the meetings, you and I are both so refreshed. 

Please know that being with other Moms is such a joy to my heart and I hope you'll see the fruit of it for years to come. I love you dearly, sweet boy!

Love, Mom

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