
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

31 Days: Letters To Mason: Day 8

Dear Mason, 

Today I've been thinking about how proud I am of you. I'm proud that you can crawl. I'm proud that you can eat "big boy" foods. I'm proud that you can say some words like "dada" and "bye" and "mama". I'm proud that you are standing on your own more. I'm proud of you for being such a good sleeper. 

I say all of these things so I can tell you this: Your Dad and I will always be supportive of you when you do something big in life. When you take your first steps, when you say your first sentence, when you learn to potty on the big potty, when you learn your alphabet, when you learn to say "thank you" and "please", when you tell us you love us, when you come to know Jesus, when you make your first friend, and the list goes on. I'll stop now though because I don't want to cry. HAHA!

As your parents, we will be your biggest supporters. We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom

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