
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mason {15 Months}

I enjoyed doing a monthly update on Mason every month of his first year but I decided after the 12 month post, I decided to draw it out a bit more and do one every few months. Our big boy made 15 months on February 1st. We are having so much fun with him. Here's some of what he has been up to these last few months:

*He finally had teeth 7 and 8 come in all the way and he started getting teeth 9 and 10 around January 8th. They aren't his eye/I teeth but the ones next to those. He had been kind of fussy and I kept looking for teeth and didn't find them BUT one day, I felt in there and there they were!

*Lots of new words are coming out of his little mouth! He is saying "dis" for "this" and occasionally says "this". He is saying "bye", "hey/hi", "DaDa", "Mama", "Gee" for  George, "GiGi" and a few others that he has said once or twice only.

*We've been having some family dance parties and Mason LOVES it! He is such a good little dancer and loves to spin!

*Mason is walking excellently and running at times. He has been trying to jump, too and it is hilarious!

*Following lots of commands and ignoring lots of them, too! Mason will follow simple commands like "Go to your chair to eat.", "Put George in your bed" and things like that. It's super fun to see that develop especially for this Speech Path momma.

*Mason's love for Curious George continues to grow. He loves watching the show which we limit most days to 25 minutes but we've had some sick days and we have binge watched. He is now starting to laugh at them, too, and that's the best!

*Family Dance Parties are held several times a week as mentioned above.

*Mason is kind of protective of his kisses but when you are snuggling before or after sleeping, he will leave up an give kisses. One night, I told him to give Dad a kiss and he leaned and kissed me, then kissed Matt and then repeated 5 times. I was literally crying because it was so sweet!

*He makes a "fish face" although it seems to be a complete fluke but it's my favorite.


*Knows where his belly, nose, teeth, eyes and ears are when asked most of the time.

*He can click his tongue even now and then and it's so unexpected and fun.

*Mason LOVES to be outside!

*Current nicknames Mase Mase, Mason Man, Bud, Stinker, Big Guy and others.

*Mason is now consistently signing "Thank you" and we love it! He's usually very polite.

*We had the 15 month well visit on 2/4/15 and Mason got a little dramatic for it including crying and pout lip. :)

Weight: 29 pounds, 1 ounce; 95th percentile

Height: 32 inches; 75th percentile 

Head Circumference: 19 inches (I think; I didn't write it down and now I'm not positive)

His ped said all looked well and he is growing like he should be a learning as he should, too! 

We are so grateful for that and do not take it lightly. 

Until 18 months! 

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