
Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {January 2015}

And this post may also be titled "All of the miscellaneous stuff the Morgans did for a month"or "All of the pictures that don't fit elsewhere."

Snuggles with my boy. One afternoon, he had a hard time waking up from nap so I just soaked it up! 

A beautiful afternoon walk to Hatcher Gardens


Mason gave me his buddies to take a nap with them. 

Y'all, we are crazy parents sometimes! And I love doing life with this guy! 

"Mom, I just need to relax here for a minute." 

Y'all, this guy makes me so happy! Life can be hard as a parent but there are some extra sweet moments that make it all worth it! 

Matt has been playing guitar for Mason and Mason now reaches for the guitar to have Matt play. It's one of the sweetest way to see them connect. 

Krispy Kreme donuts together one morning. 

We got Mason a new tent at a thrift store for $5 and he LOVES it!! 


A sweet snack to enjoy with our anniversary dinner back in early January. 

Y'all, his little scrunchy nose! 

A boy and his glasses...

Comfy, much? 

Story time together before bed

The scrunch returns

I guess the cold winter afternoons just make it hard to wake up from nap! Because this happened again. 

A little ice cream date one evening. Mason likes the cone best. 

I had to work in a facility with a flu outbreak and that meant I was masked up! 

Just propping his feet up for a bit. This kid...

And then some gymnastics...

I made Chili Mac and Cheese and Mason LOVED it! 

Well, that's close...

Hot chocolate date with my hubs one night. 

One morning, we were on the couch and Mason got really still and then this happened. I cherish these moments. 

Close again...

This kid loves black beans...


In his play clothes, ready to go outside. 

Time with Daddy

See? Loves that George. 

Further proof that waking up from winter afternoon naps is HARD! 

None of my tactics were working so...I gave up! 

Snack time on the steps. 

Mason kept bringing me the shapes and I kept stacking them. Then, he left and I was stuck. ;-)

MOPS will wear a boy out! 

50 cent corn dogs with Dad! 

And the climbing begins! 

Ready for his shoes...he forgot his pants though! 

Haircut from Mrs. Shelley...Unfortunately all pics aren't great. 

Fro-yo date

Bought this Ergo for $50!!!! A STEAL! 

Snuggles before bed. 

Sitting like a big boy! 

Silly boy! 

Playtime at the mall with Daddy! 

And last but not least, Mason is ready for Mardi Gras. He grabbed the beads and put them on himself and danced around! 

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